Mule M274 build threadПреглед: Слайдшоу Мозайка Списък 1July 26, 2020Sprue C for the Mule M274 2July 26, 2020Sprue A / B / D for the figurines and RR106 3July 26, 2020Step 5; Affixing 4 wheels 4July 26, 2020Step 1 - dry fit 5July 26, 2020Step 1 - completed 6July 26, 2020Step 2 - dry fit 7July 26, 2020Step 2 - completed 8July 26, 2020Step 3 - dry fit 9July 26, 2020Step 3 / 4 - dry fit 10July 26, 2020Step 3 - completed 11July 26, 2020Step 4 - dry fit 12July 26, 2020Step 4 - completed 13July 26, 2020undercarriage complete without rear light and protection cage 14July 26, 2020Step 6 - dry fit 15July 26, 2020Step 7 - dry fit 16July 26, 2020Step 7 - completed stick shift and dry fitting 17July 26, 2020Step 5 - dry fit protection cage and rear light 18July 26, 2020Step 8 - dry fit 19July 26, 2020Step 8 - completed 20July 26, 2020Step 9 - dry fit 21July 26, 2020Step 9 - completed 22July 26, 2020Step 10 - dry fit 23July 26, 2020Step 10 - completed 24July 26, 2020Step 10 - completed (left view) 25July 26, 2020Step 11 - dry fit 26July 26, 2020upper chassis complete (rear left view) 27July 26, 2020Step 12 - completed 28July 26, 2020Step 6 - installed the wheels 29July 26, 2020final complete without the 106 (rear left view) 30July 26, 2020final complete without the 106 (rear view with transmission protection cage, not installed) 31July 26, 2020final complete without the 106 (rear right view) 32July 27, 2020after fitting the driver figurine on the seat adjustments and steering wheel 33July 27, 2020final complete without the 106 (front left view) 34July 28, 2020 35July 28, 2020Cross between ATV light bridge and the mule 36July 29, 2020 37July 29, 2020 38August 3, 2020 39August 3, 2020 40August 3, 2020 41August 3, 2020 42August 3, 2020 43August 9, 2020 Коментари16 December 2024, 11:35 - Project infoWilly Mule “Early ATV” build thread43 снимки1:35В ходВсички албумиПреглед на всички албуми »