Masked inlets and black piece of sheet for the LED, so no light can shine through the plastic. I placed zwo blue 1206-SMD LEDs on a small piece of hole matrix board and attached them on the black sheet. Unfortunalely, i forgot to take a picture.
These are the small inlets in front of the wings near the main hull. It's a shame, they are not made in clear red styrene, so it's really difficult to get light through.
The lower wing section ready for assembly. I also add a small Attiny85-Controller inside, für flickering the enginelights and blinking the Anti-Collision-Lights.
In the movie, the Protector had no such ACL. But i like them to much. 😉
The LED-Board for the forward engines. On the side, you can see 1,0mm fiberoptic for lightning the outer side of the wing. It's very little space there, so for the future i would prefer 0,75mm. Generell space is critical in the wings!
I had to remove some material inside, so i can get the cables and fiberoptics to the center of the ship. I use 0,05mm² wire, but that's a little to thick. For the future, i will use some enamelled copper wire, which is much more smaller. The current is very low, so that should be no problem.
The fuselages. I drilled a lot of 0,5mm holes and installed fiberoptics. After that, i use a white 5mm LED, put a piece of polystyre tube on top, and use PVAC glue for fixing. Don't use superglue! It will destroy the plastic fiberoptics.
JD Very well done, beautiful in fact. You went through a lot of trouble, and it paid off. ?
22 July 2021, 18:16
Dash Rendar Great build! Very clean, looking good.
23 July 2021, 07:28
Album info
This was a Fastbuild, cause it was planed as present, and i have started the build to late. So, i'm not really satisfied with the result. That's also the reason, why i missed some pictures: The clock was ticking, so i forgot at some stepy, to take pictures.
I've another kit, which i will build later with some improvements. Generall, the kit is quiet good. Fitting is excellent, but the decals are a little bit fragile. Maybe they are to old, the kit was on my stash for many years. So use decal fixing solution, before you place them.