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Mikoyan-Gurevich MiG-21F-13 Fishbed-C - Air Intake

for Revell

Quickboost | No. QB 72 012 | 1:72

Boxart MiG-21F-13 Fishbed-C - Air Intake QB 72 012 Quickboost


12 obrázky
MiG-21F-13View album, image #1
Projekt: MiG-21F-13
1:72 MiG-21F-13 Fishbed C (Revell 04346)1:72 MiG-21 F-13 (Fishbed C) - Pitot Tube (Master AM-72-045)1:72 MiG-21F-13 Fishbed-C - Air Intake (Quickboost QB 72 012)1+
9 obrázky
MiG-21 with some extra bitsView album, image #3
Projekt: MiG-21
1:72 MiG-21 F-13 (Revell 03967)1:72 MiG-21F-13 wheels & paint masks (Aires 7219)1:72 MiG-21F-13 Fishbed C (Eduard SS260)1+
19 obrázky
MiG-21F-13 - Syria - 1967View album, image #1
Syrian MiG-21F-13 as seen in 1963 and maybe also in 1967 during the Six Day War
1:72 MiG-21F-13 Fishbed C (Revell 04346)1:72 MiG-21F-13 Fishbed-C - Air Intake (Quickboost QB 72 012)
23 obrázky
MiG-21F-13 - Egypt - 1973View album, image #13
And finished!
1:72 MiG-21F-13 Fishbed C (Revell 04346)1:72 MiG-21F-13 Fishbed-C - Air Intake (Quickboost QB 72 012)1:72 MiG-21 (F/F13/U/US) wheels set (ResKit RS72-0121)3+
37 obrázky
MiG-21F-13 - VietnamView album, image #24
And finished, almost 1 year after starting the project. As unusual as it might look, I believe the canopy frame was unp...
1:72 MiG-21F-13 wheels & paint masks (Aires 7219)1:72 Vietnam (ModelMaker D72123)1:72 MiG-21F-13 (ModelSvit 72042)4+
43 obrázky
Mig-21F-13View album, image #38
1:72 MiG-21 F-13 (Revell 03967)1:72 MiG-21F-13 wheels & paint masks (Aires 7219)1:72 MiG-21F-13 Fishbed-C - Air Intake (Quickboost QB 72 012)2+