Airfix Triumph Herald
12 5 August 2023, 14:42

Bruce, I have the Amodel Zveno 1-A in my stash, so that's always on the cards!
8 August 2023, 07:35

Hah, build this kit when I was 16 (1968) Can't say that I remember noticing any of the issues you mentioned. Says a lot about my modelling skills those days 😛
8 August 2023, 10:59

Looking at it I see my comment can be read in two ways.
My comment was by no means critical of your build. More a look back at how I built back then. Slapping plastic together at a fast pace. I really like to see how this kit can be built with the necessary attention 👍
And now I'm very curious for the end result
9 August 2023, 07:00

I didn't take it as criticism Lex, just making a point about the age of the moulds. I've also realised that the long protrusions that run along the full length of both sides didn't seem to exist on the real car. There is also no detail in the inner sides of the cabin.
9 August 2023, 07:11

Are you tempted to create the inner sides of the doors? I have spare window winders, etc you could have. It's always nice to peep through the windows and see the interior 🙂
9 August 2023, 07:49

I remember seeing a few of these running around when I was younger
Full of rust I guess a few of them got done up
Interesting cool cars
Looks like this kit is fantastic value you can make a second model out of the flash
9 August 2023, 11:27