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Peter Segers (segerspeter)

YT-1300 Millennium Falcon (star wars)


14 March 2025, 02:09 -

Album info

manufacturer: FineMolds /
scale 1:72 /
start 05.09.2011 - finish 30.01.2012 - duration 5months / used paints and techniques (chronological order): 1. primer (german grey 60% + black 40% / paint thinner ratio 60/40) 2. base coat (sky grey 100%)
3. pre-shading
4. highlighting panels (sky grey 50% + white 50%)
5. primary weathering
6. detail painting (grey, red and ocre yellow panels, details like engines, etc...)
7. gloss varnish (airspray)
8. filters (several tones: white, light grey, pale sky blue)
9. discoloration and dirt wash lining (several oil colors + terpentine)
10. washes (black, burnt umber, dark earth, ... + terpentine)
11. weathering (longest period + most creative phase / over 14 different color tones)
12. detail painting & weathering (engine area's, panels, gun bays,...)
13. battle damage detailing
14. final assembly & pictures for scalemates (!)
15. matt varnish coat (protective coating)

118 obrázky
1:72 Millennium Falcon (Fine Molds SW-6)

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