MiG-21 PFM - Finished!
April 20, 20172
April 20, 20173
April 20, 2017no need für resin...4
April 20, 20175
April 20, 2017cockpit colour mix6
April 20, 20177
April 20, 2017the aerobonus pilot. Very nice mold!8
May 22, 2017Everything fits perfectly9
May 22, 201710
May 22, 2017some ALLCLAD II painting11
May 22, 2017front wheel bay closed12
May 22, 2017basic painting on the center tank13
May 22, 2017main wheel bay closed14
May 22, 2017this hole keep the bird in flight15
May 22, 2017the inner parts. Not very beautiful but very stable.16
May 22, 201717
May 22, 20176 mm aluminium rod will hold the MiG18
May 22, 201719
May 22, 2017the wooden base20
May 22, 201721
May 22, 201722
May 22, 2017Pilot in colour.23
May 22, 2017the MASTER DETAIL pitot is worth every cent.24
May 22, 201725
May 22, 2017Future for the clear parts26
May 22, 2017inside painting of the canopy27
May 22, 2017the finished center tank. Final paint ist Allclad Klear Kote light sheen28
May 22, 2017Canopy closed.29
May 22, 201730
May 22, 2017some masking for the antenna areas31
May 22, 2017Preshading32
May 22, 201733
May 22, 201734
June 12, 2017The colors I used. The injections are perfect to mix the colors and keep them usable für months.35
June 12, 201736
June 12, 2017First step: Basic color.37
June 12, 2017some lights (basic color + white)38
June 12, 2017some shadows (highly thinned X-19 smoke)39
June 12, 2017Future and decals.40
June 12, 2017classic washing with oil paint41
June 12, 201742
June 12, 201743
June 18, 2017Ready!44
June 18, 201745
June 18, 201746
June 18, 201747
June 18, 201748
June 18, 201749
June 18, 201750
June 18, 201751
June 18, 201752
June 18, 201753
June 18, 201754
June 18, 201755
June 18, 201756
June 18, 201757
June 18, 201758
June 18, 201759
June 18, 2017Photoshop work to remove the rod...60
June 18, 2017
13 March 2025, 22:35 -
Project info
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