Lou's P-3C III Orion
April 14, 2020VP-66 Goal2
April 14, 2020Checking out the kit3
April 14, 2020Starting the horizontal stabs, wheels & cockpit4
April 14, 2020Tape for the backfill of the holes5
April 14, 2020filling ALQ-78 holes with the melted sprue6
April 14, 2020Sonobouy mount - before7
April 14, 2020Sonobouy mount - after8
April 15, 2020My helper!9
April 15, 2020Flight deck!10
April 17, 2020Opening the intakes11
April 17, 202012
April 17, 202013
April 19, 2020Goal14
April 23, 2020MK-46 Torpedos15
April 23, 2020Flight deck chairs16
May 1, 2020No Decals avail so..17
May 1, 2020masking18
May 1, 2020like the masks so far19
May 5, 2020Cockpit install20
May 5, 2020Bombay install21
May 5, 2020WORST fuselage warping I've ever had!22
May 5, 2020Cockpit seen thru glass23
May 5, 2020Harpoon & Rockeye24
May 5, 2020Bomb Bay25
July 21, 202026
July 21, 202027
July 21, 2020A lot of decals ..
14 March 2025, 01:49 -
Project info
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