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Pithy Dictum
Logan Eden (Pithy Dictum)

Sherman M4A3


13 March 2025, 21:40 -

Album info

Tamiya Sherman M4A3 105mm Howitzer Kit #35251 with Eduard Photo etch (35 369), Archer U.S. 6th Armored Division M4A3 Sherman decals, (AR35145) that don't match the kit, but I like them so went with them. Depot metal barrel. Scratch built grab handles and used Tamiya XF-62 paint with pigment from various companies. Fun kit to build.

10 obrázky
1:35 M4A3 Sherman (Tamiya 35251)1:35 U.S. 6th Armored Division M4A3E8 Sherman (Archer AR35145)1:35 M4A3 Sherman (Eduard 35369)1:35 M4A3 Sherman 105mm Howitzer Gun Barrel (Barrel Depot BD35028)1:35 Medical Boxes (J's Work PPA3015)

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