February 21, 2021Made a toothed gear ring from Evergreen.2
February 7, 20213
February 7, 20214
February 7, 20215
February 7, 20216
February 7, 20217
February 8, 2021Primer8
February 11, 2021How worser sight gets, how smaller the parts get ????9
February 11, 202110
February 11, 2021Punch & die, selfmade11
February 17, 2021Starting to upgrade the inside of the turret. Sadly the interior set from Eduard isnt in production anymore...12
February 17, 2021Found some 13 teeth sprockets in a aftersale for just €6, couldnt hold myself13
February 21, 2021Turret madness, detailing the interior14
February 21, 2021Clamp tools from Mig, nice but oh so small15
February 22, 2021Turret almost ready, had to relocate the seats too16
February 26, 202117
February 26, 202118
February 28, 2021Working the whole day on the grousers. Tried glueing with CA as well weldering19
February 28, 202120
February 28, 202121
February 28, 2021Made some shellcases from Evergreen rods (the left is a resin one from Verlinden)22
March 2, 20213 days of soldering the grousers. Now waiting for Evergreen profiles to make the racks. Open the shops please...23
March 4, 2021Still on the grousers...
March 5, 2021After the primer it shure looks better. Making the grousers from pe parts was horror, but now I think they look quite nice.25
March 8, 2021Whole day making ammo, did a colortest which olive drab to use, Mig 927 won26
March 12, 2021Discovered the whole backside is old M5A1. Wrong airvent and pintle (topleft)
Rightdown: at last I found a pic with the right place of the clevis27
March 12, 202128
March 15, 2021Adjusted to the right hight29
March 17, 2021The hull can be closed30
March 19, 202131
March 19, 202132
March 19, 202133
March 21, 2021Modulation day34
March 21, 2021Modulation day35
March 21, 2021Modulation day36
March 24, 2021Decal menace, the old Tamiya ones didN’t came of the paper anymore after all those years.
Dry decals from Verlinden did partially the job (also 25 years old)
Ordered a sheet of Star Decals for the vehicle numbers. Glad the shop had them in stock...37
March 27, 202138
March 27, 202139
March 27, 2021First wash after the markings were placed40
March 28, 202141
March 28, 2021On track(s)42
March 28, 2021On tracks(s)43
March 28, 2021Removed one shackle, they were too loose44
March 29, 2021Weathering, rainmarks from Lifecolor, I love that stuff45
July 21, 202346
July 21, 202347
July 21, 202348
July 21, 202349
July 21, 202350
July 21, 202351
July 21, 2023
17 February 2025, 17:16 -