MetalEarth Fokker DR.I
May 28, 2021The Sheet & the Sheets - Love all that colour!2
May 28, 2021Here's the finished pilot's seat & floor, from 2 pieces - pretty easy assembly so far - no control column!! !;^)}3
May 28, 2021I used my "Small Shop" rolling tool & base to start the curves on the cylinder heads - It's a Radial 8 cylinder, so 8 cylinder heads.4
May 28, 20218 partly rolled - I then completed each one to a 180 degree roll, so their tabs would fit the receiving slots, and also (just because) put in a tighter roll on the cylinder necks.........5
May 28, 2021Here's the 8 cylinder heads fitted to the backing plate - Hey, it looks as good as any photo-etched radial engine in 1:72 scale. You'll have to zoom in closer to see that tighter roll I put in.6
May 28, 2021And of course, with any decent "model" you then go and partly cover up all that good work - only something a fellow modeller would understand!7
May 28, 2021Fuselage bending & joining time - I got a bit over-enthusiastic on the bending & had to back-it-off a bit! Vary careful crimping around the rudder, to keep all that paint intact. The pilot's seat is installed at this stage.8
May 28, 2021Adding the engine assembly to the front of the fuselage, after carefully bending all the engine cowl.9
May 28, 2021And that's all you get to see of the engine........(sigh)10
May 28, 2021Time to attach the bottom of the "middle" wing to the fuselage - I decided to strengthen this with a couple of dabs of CA Superglue. Also, remember to fold up the wing edges at this point.
Also attached is the elevators & fuselage top - I decided to use hidden tabs/eyes for these 4 connections. Looks better, but quite fiddly.11
May 28, 2021Close up of the top fuselage with hidden tabs/eyes. patience required doing it this way!12
May 28, 2021next to make the machine guns to fit the top of the fuselage/middle wing.
You'll need your finest width pliers here - around 1mm should do it. some very tricky fold & connections.13
May 28, 2021More of the machine guns, showing the size of the next 3 parts14
May 28, 2021Machine guns finished - seem a bit flimsy.....15
May 28, 2021Machine guns mounted - this firms them up a lot.
On to the upper wing brackets......
There's a little-known Star Wars quote to be applied here...
"Don't use the force here, Luke - There's no strength to be found here!".......!;^)}
ALERT: don't forget to mould the upper aerofoil shape into the top of the wing. If you don't do this (like I just did!!) it wont fit into the eyes on the under-wing section in following steps.16
May 28, 2021These brackets firm up a little when attached to the wing - but not much.......
May 28, 2021However, when it gets attached to the fuselage, it's much better!!18
May 28, 2021You may have to stress the brackets forward to get the tab in the slot behind the motor. Of course, the aerofoil shape helps!19
May 28, 2021The correct aerofoil shape on the middle wing - not great, but the best I could manage "after the event" correction.
May 28, 2021Using a small dowel at the front of the winglet to start the aerofoil.21
May 28, 2021building the aerofoil shape into the upper surface undercarriage "winglet" - use the lower surface as a guid to how much aerofoil you need to put in place.22
May 28, 2021The under-surface of the lower wing & fuselage. Be sure to check that the "Z" bends you put in place don't skew the wing-line.23
May 28, 2021Lovely little details included in the bottom of the fuselage - pilot's step & mechanic's grab-handles.24
May 28, 2021undercarriage brackets & winglet in place.25
May 29, 2021Upside down to show the extra work in readiness for wheels - winglet ends etc26
May 29, 2021Page 4 of 4: Preparing the aerofoil curve for the upper surface of the lower wing - used a 5.0mm dowel to start the curve, then matched it with the bottom surface of the lower wing27
May 29, 2021Fits well, so can continue the build28
May 29, 2021Wing pylon added to the lower wing - starboard side29
May 29, 2021and port side30
May 30, 2021Upper wing "aerofoiled" and fitted31
May 30, 2021Closer shot32
May 30, 2021No to make the prop - looks a little like a dragonfly33
May 30, 2021Prop fitted - just had to tidy up some of the braces - Calling it done!
I'm sure I could do a better job, but too hard to retro-correct34
May 30, 2021A few views35
May 30, 2021Looks like a Fokker36
May 30, 2021pretty distinctive37
May 30, 2021looks OK38
May 30, 2021Done39
May 30, 2021Done - As I said, I screwed up the middle wing!!40
May 30, 2021Ready for take-off
26 February 2025, 03:02 -
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Yet another new pre-painted "model" from Fascination - I say "model" because this one actually shows a scale of 1:70. So lets see how that compares with a 72nd scale model of a Fokker DR.I (Not that I've built one, but I have 1 in my stash, so I can compare a little.)
Looks pretty good from the outside....................let's go inside
Completed - Loved it!! - Magnifying lenses all the way on this one, and small pliers, and BIG patience!!
And read and UNDERSTAND the instructions, including not forgetting the basics of flight - aerofoil!!!