2006 QMHE entry
1 6 July 2019, 03:04
playtime 222
Nice colours. Very 'Vietnam'. Was it an anniversary thing or is someone actually operating in these colours? I've done the 'due diligence' and searched for Singapore strike eagle photos but get nothing but grey.
Nice colours. Very 'Vietnam'. Was it an anniversary thing or is someone actually operating in these colours? I've done the 'due diligence' and searched for Singapore strike eagle photos but get nothing but grey.
6 July 2019, 07:58
Kace Wong
You're almost right (there's a blue 50th anniversary scheme) with those operational colours... This kit was done in 2006 before F-15SG is operational so I had some artistic liberties on the colours. It's also a tie-back with A-4 on their ground strike role it's replacing.
You're almost right (there's a blue 50th anniversary scheme) with those operational colours... This kit was done in 2006 before F-15SG is operational so I had some artistic liberties on the colours. It's also a tie-back with A-4 on their ground strike role it's replacing.
6 July 2019, 11:49