VOMAG 7/660 w/ 8,8 cm FlaK
The "Flak-Bus" in Action in Hungary
- Maßstab:
- 1:72
- Status:
- Ideen
While a variety of truck- and halftrack-mounted anti-air installations have been called "FlaK-Bus", the 8,8cm Sfl Vomag comes very close to the essence of the name. Here, the infamous 8,8 cm FlaK was mounted on a VOMAG 9t-chassis, which had also formed the basis for some 3-axle busses and heavy trucks. The Sfl however was converted from tank transporters taken from the "Schnelle Divisionen" or fast divisions where they carried earlier lighter tank models as such as the Panzer I and II over longer road distances. Converted to a gun-carrier they were fitted with ammunition-storage, fol-down platform side panels and deployable stablisiers to relieve the suspension when firing the gun.
I will take Roden´s 1/72 model and add some photoetch for additional detail as well as a gunshield for the FlaK. This was seen on at least one vehicle in use in Hungary in late 1944. To bring some life to the vehicle, which will be placed on a base, I will use a group of figures from Germania-Figuren (also available as .stl for self-printing) specifically made for the 8,8 cm FlaK.
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