TestarossaVer : Diapositivas Mosaico Lista 1February 23, 2019I like the large scale 2February 23, 2019Was trying to photo the roof crack and scratched glue stained glass 3February 23, 2019 4February 23, 2019Some parts started luckily no paint had been applied 5February 23, 2019closer but out of focus pic. Learning digital photography too. 6February 23, 2019 7February 23, 2019Intricate suspension. 8February 23, 2019closer look 9February 23, 2019i like the detail. Decided to wait on learning to scrap build shocks and coils. 10February 23, 2019More suspension detail. This is going to be difficult to dismantle since it is mostly small thin parts. 11February 23, 2019In focus shot of fading chrome and sprue attachment points. 12February 23, 2019 13February 23, 2019Didn't expect flash on a $100 kit. 14February 23, 2019close-up showing residual glue and many unlabeled parts. 15February 23, 2019Closer-up. 16February 24, 2019Re-built and painted engine. 17February 24, 2019Not perfect but am pleased considering my lack of technical skill and poor shape of parts. 18February 24, 2019Debating if I should wire or get more mastery first. 19February 24, 2019I think I'm going to stick to vallejo paints when brushing. Tamiya doesn't cover well, is tacky and colors don't seem correct. 20February 24, 2019I think a wash would really make all the details pop and make this look incredible. Comentarios23 February 2019, 03:06MunkyslutExcellent! I love any large scale car or bike, dont see enough of them, looks great! 24 February 2019, 17:33Project infotestarossa20 imágenes1:12En esperaTodos los álbumesVer todos los álbumes »