WIP - 1988 Ford Mustang GT
November 14, 20222
November 18, 2022Prepared the body for painting3
November 18, 20224
November 18, 2022Painted the "undercarriage" parts5
November 18, 20226
November 18, 20227
November 18, 20228
November 22, 2022This is the molded t-top9
November 22, 2022And the matching headliner.10
November 22, 202211
November 22, 202212
November 22, 2022Btw. The seats (the grey ones) are terrible, so I decided to choose some of my parts box (the black ones). I have to thin them on the bottom to make them fit.13
December 8, 2022thinned the seats on the side to the "tunnel" out and ready for paint14
December 8, 2022in the meantime completed the engine15
December 8, 2022interieur done16
December 8, 202217
December 8, 2022Chassis and engine done18
December 8, 2022perhaps, you're wondering: "Why is there another body in the background?"
let's see..19
December 8, 2022the body is wrapped.20
December 8, 2022but that is not the case, why i used another one.21
December 8, 2022glued on the sideskirts22
December 8, 202223
December 8, 202224
December 8, 202225
December 8, 2022and here you see my mistake:
I glued the wrong panels on the body...changed the sides left to right and back...
Silver: wrong
blue: correct!26
December 8, 202227
December 8, 202228
December 11, 202229
December 11, 202230
December 11, 2022painted the windowframes31
December 11, 202232
December 11, 2022Tainted the window33
December 11, 2022and glued the window in34
December 11, 2022glued in a "piece of plastic" to give the mirrors a base to glue on35
December 26, 2022attached a speedo36
December 26, 2022glued in the windows37
December 26, 2022thinned out the "headlights"38
December 26, 2022before39
December 26, 2022after40
December 26, 2022interieur...41
December 26, 2022...and chassis mounted42
December 26, 2022painted the rear lights43
December 26, 2022also the wheels mounted44
December 26, 202245
December 26, 2022
13 March 2025, 23:32 -