Bernhard SchrockExcellent result by using a Stone Age kit. Chapeau🙂. BTW: I remember that I built this kit too, as child, 45 years ago an left them unpainted.
4 August 2023, 11:01
Filip kirjailijaThak you. It was not the best experience. The age of the kit is clearly showing, but the PE-set helps tremendously. The kit is actually 30 years older then I am.
4 August 2023, 11:12
Łukasz GlińskiImpressive what you achieved with that kit 👍 Respect for rigging
4 August 2023, 12:38
Filip kirjailijaThank you.
4 August 2023, 13:21
Filip kirjailijaThank you.
4 August 2023, 18:32
Alec KWell done indeed 👍
4 August 2023, 18:52
Filip kirjailijaThank you.
4 August 2023, 21:01
Rui SBeautiful work 👍
4 August 2023, 22:13
Lochsa RiverLove to see some details....great rigging....
5 August 2023, 02:07
Filip kirjailijaThank you.
5 August 2023, 08:29