BF 109 G-6
1 4 August 2013, 22:03

Only just released and already under construction! I´m curious too!
5 August 2013, 06:47

Thanks guys! Here is a little update. The wings are fixed with tape, to see the shape of the of the Gustav 🙂
5 August 2013, 21:31

Ahhhh .... coool ...
I'm curious for the final result. 🙂
Any problems so far .... ?
5 August 2013, 21:39

You did a great job on the seatbelts!Even as molded on, they look great! However, I still would have replaced them.
6 August 2013, 07:15

thank you mates, here is the next update. So far i have no problems with this kit 🙂
7 August 2013, 20:02

Erste Sahne! Dein Instrumentenbrett, die inneren Seitenwände, einfach alles harmonisch und sehr gefällig.
13 August 2013, 07:49

Great work Stefan. I really like the subtle and precise paintwork in the cockpit!
13 August 2013, 09:29

thanks mates, i am just on holiday, so have to answer later on the question fore the punch and die set.
14 August 2013, 07:25

the answer can wait....recharge your batteries, enjoy your Urlaub! 😉
14 August 2013, 15:14

Hi mates, here is the next update. The main wheel wells and the landing gear are painted.
@ Wim: I use the punch and die set round from steelmodels
24 August 2013, 21:48

Ok, du bekommst die Auspuffrohre in den Rumpf. Aber wie drehst du die und bringst die dann in die entsprechende Öffnung?
25 August 2013, 06:48

Hi Thomas, ich will sie gleich in der richtigen Lage reingestecken und dann mit einer Pinzette greifen und positioniern. Ich habe es mal ausprobiert bevor ich den Rumpf zusammengeklebt habe. Ob es dann so klappt wie ich es mir vorstelle, weis ich noch nicht 🙂
25 August 2013, 06:59

Hi Mates, here are a few new pictures from my Gustav.
31 August 2013, 14:17

Hi Stefan, very impressive so far. Excellent weathering at the interior parts, very well done mate!
31 August 2013, 15:38

Lovely details in the cockpit Stefan. I want however to point out that the triangular box on the pilot rear hatch is a feature found on the G-10 only. It covered an accumulator (extra battery power).
31 August 2013, 16:25

Hi Aghis I agree, the triangular box is a feature of the G-10 and later of the G-14. The G-14 was the attempt to create a new standard of the different Bf 109 G-6, because the 109 was build in several factories. And so you can find this box on some late 109 G-6 too. I look fore some informations of this plane and find this:
31 August 2013, 17:03

@Stefan: The accumulator cover can be seen also in G-14/AS machines, you are correct (G-6/AS with methanol injection added). Because of the difficulty to distinguish between a G-6/AS and a G-14/AS the confusion can occur. This is what I like about the 109: Research is required😉
31 August 2013, 19:27

Looking good, and nice work on the IP. What colors are you using? And how is the fit so far? I hope you can get the exhausts in, and don't end up with an airplane shaped rattler 😉
17 November 2013, 15:16

Hi Roland, i use different acrylic colors and washings vallejo. The fit is sofar good. On the pics you can see there i use some putty. I test the assembly of the exhausts 🙂
17 November 2013, 15:35

Excellent start! Is that 1:32?
Just a question: where did You buy that punch and die set? I try to find one foryears - finally I made my own but still far from perfect.
4 February 2014, 23:31

Hi Gabor, the shop is closed today. Here are two other links. Sometime i buy my tools here: and this is the the punch and die set i use: Cheers, Stefan
5 February 2014, 11:42