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Chris Greathouse (chrisagreat)

Project 025 -- Ferrari Fxx K


17 December 2018, 17:22
Chris Greathouse
Got pieces for steps 1-4 put on skewers for prime and paint in the AM. I Think I'm only going to do a few steps at a time with this car.
18 December 2018, 04:30
Bob Hall
My version of this car !!! LOL !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Youtube Video
19 December 2018, 05:39
Chris Greathouse
You better stick to your frumpy Charger 😛
19 December 2018, 07:27
Bob Hall
I Know,Right ! I'd kill myself the first day on the road!!!!!! LOL !!!!!!
19 December 2018, 08:40
Chris Greathouse
well.... first mess up of the build... striped the offending/over-painted pieces and repainted, they look pretty good now.
19 December 2018, 18:49
Chris Greathouse
What is the best way to mask these wheel parts?: imgur.com/a/PiszeLz I would like details as these parts always give me troubles, thanks for your help!
20 December 2018, 19:51
Chris Greathouse
@Brad Furminger Helped out with some wisdom and tips, the wheel parts turned out rad. #7
22 December 2018, 02:02
Chris Greathouse
Still going strong on the FXXK #8 is just a handful of favorite pieces painted... alot of 2nd and 3rd colors per piece... process is slow (on step 20 of 40) but looking good so far!
23 December 2018, 23:32
Bob Hall
MMMmm....... Looking Good ! Think I'll have Italian for dinner tonight !
24 December 2018, 03:23
Chris Greathouse
The doors on this thing are kind of insane 8 pieces each door...
25 December 2018, 04:32
Nathan Dempsey
Curvy! That's going to be a nice one.
29 December 2018, 01:51
Chris Greathouse
You really have to mask the crap out of one side of a piece when spraying the other side, Semi-Gloss Black took so long to mask for so I didn't screw up the primer on the flip side... oddly, masking is kind of zen sometimes... you just get in the zone.
29 December 2018, 01:56
Tom ...
Already looking fab! That masking looks brutal!
29 December 2018, 02:38
Bob Hall
Looks very Intricate. Looking good so far !
29 December 2018, 02:53
Chris Greathouse
Is this how you would do the process? cover the 1 side completely, to spray the other? I know nothing of the automobile masking processes. Any thoughts or tips to mask easier/more efficient? Took hours to mask these... I know they are super irregular shaped pieces, but still any words from the wis... I mean from you guys 😛
29 December 2018, 05:35
Chris Greathouse
First group of pieces are ready for Ferrari Red 😄... long road to get here... the pieces are moulded red.... primed to grey both sides, masked and painted the backside and various areas black... now I've masked for red 🙂
30 December 2018, 03:45
Tom ...
We'll see how good your primer is.. fingers crossed!
30 December 2018, 03:48
Bob Hall
You keep on building those kits the require masking tape by the ton, I'm buying stock in the tape company ! LOL Keep up the good work my friend !
30 December 2018, 03:48
Chris Greathouse
First group of pieces done. I'm irritated at the red... the label says Ferrari Red.... It's not even red! Once I started spraying, I just kept going... The car will still look cool I think.
31 December 2018, 19:33
Tom ...
Well the paint job looks perfect. Nice one! You're the king of masking now.
31 December 2018, 19:52
Bob Hall
It's From the Gray Primer, same thing happened on my Ford Ranger Project,came out more of a dark Maroon. Used White Primer on the 67 Charger,same batch of the the same red paint,came out bright shiny Ferrari Red.
31 December 2018, 23:15
Tom ...
Interesting. Supposedly using yellow primer is also better for red base coats. I did that for the MG TC but I've nothing to compare it to at present. Maybe when I do a red car again I'll use a white primer.
1 January 2019, 00:04
Chris Greathouse
Duuuuumb me.... oh well you learn as you go.... Next time I use red, I'll use a white primer... just kinda sucks on this project because Ferrari has an iconic red color, but it took forever to mask and paint so the only way is forward @Tom speaking of white primer the James Bond Submarine Car is next, just for you 🙂
1 January 2019, 01:21
Bob Hall
That's How I learned, If you look close at my 67 Charger both the Inside and outside were painted using the same paint, so knowing what I learned from the Ranger, I gray primed the interior with gray and the body with white and you can see the distinctive difference in the hue.
1 January 2019, 01:26
Bob Hall
I learned that if you want bright colors (red yellow and even white) use white primer and gray for deeper colors.
1 January 2019, 01:30
Chris Greathouse
Yeah I see the difference. cool car btw 🙂
1 January 2019, 01:32
Tom ...
Yay! Shaken, not stirred.
1 January 2019, 02:25
Chris Greathouse
I should probably use a black primer for white bond car right? 😛 jk don't answer or your IQ will drop.
1 January 2019, 04:56
Chris Greathouse
So I'm having some serious "maybe tomorrow" syndrome with the Ferrari right now.... That first batch of red/orange really sucked... and masking Tamiya paints really sucks... with Vallejo after 20-30 mins I can mask and peel the tape with no tape residue... after 8 hours of letting Tamiya dry.... mask leaves awful residue... even overnight masking would sometimes leave residue... and the only way I found to fix it, is to sand down with tamiya sponge and respray.... I had to do this fix 4 times on various parts... which also meant remasking for the color too... so yeah... maybe tomorrow... I do have the rest of the pieces split for primer colors... so it's priming... then slowly going through the process again. I am and am not looking forward to it.
3 January 2019, 00:25
Don't give up! Following along
3 January 2019, 02:13
Chris Greathouse
@ M M, thanks... it;s nice to know people are rooting for me 🙂 btw, great spray booth, I'm assuming barlight in the front and extractor fan on top back, what was the final build cost if you don't mind me asking? Mine's just one of those generic hobby spray booths from Amazon for $90...
3 January 2019, 02:38
Tom ...
Chris, that's interesting about your experience with Tamiya acrylics. I feel I might be having similar issues but not so pronounced and just with the gloss paints. Maybe it does take that a long time for them to cure fully. It might also explain the issue I'm having with the Future clear coat being "soft". Maybe the Tamiya paint is effecting the Future coat... I wonder....
3 January 2019, 03:02
@Chris My total cost is $24.83 USD.... :-D The wood was scrap my neighbor had for a cabinet job so all I had to buy was the fan, a filter, a switch and box. I have another blower fan coming in the mail from my dad. He collects old junk so its about 60-70 years old. As for light, yes I will put a light bar on the top, LED if I can find a good deal on one. I am thinking a trip to Harbor Freight will yield descent results. The thing is cavernous! 26 inches deep by 24 wide and tall.
3 January 2019, 03:15
Chris Greathouse
@ M M I have this installed in my office, great lighting, 3 1-foot lightbars, the dimmer/on/off is awesome and there are multiple connectors and pieces (I spliced the 40in cords to the needed length), You could have a bar behind the front lip and 1 along each side wall... I know It'd double your cost, but it's an all-in-one solution and really great price for what you get, $30. the company also has 6 light bars for $45 if you wanna get crazy lit in your giant little cave. amazon.com/dp/B06Y46JKL6
3 January 2019, 03:52
Funny! Those are the exact lights I have in my "saved items" cart on Amazon. They are bright, like 330 lumins each. It's probably the way I will go, I mean all out I am in for $50?? #worthit Just like those extra kits... lol
3 January 2019, 04:43
Chris Greathouse
They are bright... even for my needs... but that's what you want for the booth... all the light from all the angles so you can see the paint sheen flash dry so you can paint some more... and the bars are very evenly lit, and (at least on the one I linked), there is a on/off/0-100% switch, So you can't over do it. When I'm watching movies, I turn 'em low but not off to help with eye strain while I'm typing and whatnot... they also dim very evenly...
3 January 2019, 05:39
Chris Greathouse
If you ever thought of building a photo booth, I would also use the same lights.... you could buy the 6pack, and an additional 12v power adapter, then split the pack 3 in the paint booth and 3 in the light booth with the additional power supply.
3 January 2019, 05:48
Bob Hall
3 January 2019, 05:52
Chris Greathouse
@Tom yeah future stays kinda squishy for a long time, I usually let it cure 4+ hours between coats and 12+ hours before i even think about touching the finish... most frustrating to have a thumbprint in future for all time to see 🤔
3 January 2019, 05:53
Chris Greathouse
Thanks guys for the push! I primed the last the red moulded pieces, most of these are red on one side and black on the other.... mask mask yeah... 🙁 While I may seem frustrated at times I always enjoy myself... It is a love/hate hobby for sure 😄
4 January 2019, 00:40
Bob Hall
Just Go ZEN and WOOSA !!!! WOOSA !!!!
4 January 2019, 00:41
Chris Greathouse
4 January 2019, 00:43
Chris Greathouse
*in tune with Linkin Parks 'One Step Closer'* I'm one step closer to the end, and I'm about to paint!! just came to my head... lol anyways, The last of the reds are red, next is most of their backsides painted black... then I have about 30 pieces that need black primer and painted, then it's building... I'm one step closer 😄
5 January 2019, 00:13
Chris Greathouse
I masked and painted the last of the red/black pieces... kind of nervous to pull off the tape, I hope there's not much/any overspray... will wait to pull tape until the morning for paint to harden/dry so I don't get tape residue or thumb prints on them.
5 January 2019, 23:47
Chris Greathouse
Had a hell of a wind storm... we have no power... they say 3-4 days with no power, now it's snowing... half inch so far.... I won't be on for a few days. Go nature 🙁
7 January 2019, 04:38
Chris Greathouse
Had a hell of a wind storm... we have no power... they say 3-4 days with no power, now it's snowing... half inch so far.... I won't be on for a few days. Go nature 🙁
7 January 2019, 04:41
Stay safe, stay warm, and enjoy the free time lol
7 January 2019, 06:01
Bob Hall
OR ! Build models like Abe Lincoln by candle light ! LOL !
7 January 2019, 06:19
Tom ...
Yes, candle light and paint brushes.
7 January 2019, 07:14
Nathan Dempsey
I'm envisioning a bicycle powered airbrush compressor...
7 January 2019, 12:20
Bob Hall
Ya still with us ? Didn't Turn into a Chriscickle on us did ya ? I can send some of my comrades in blue to check on ya, I'm guessing they have dogsleds and snowshoes and what not in your neck of the woods ! LOL !!!!!!!!!!!! 🙂
7 January 2019, 23:07
Chris Greathouse
lol, glad to see you guys are still crazy. it was only 2 and 3/4 days... jeesh they lied about their estimate 😛 We have a 4kW Generator we plug in to the house, then we switch from the mains to the generator. The people I live work from home is the reason we have it, and we run it only from 9-9, they are loud. I'm allowed 1 kilo Watt for my fish, snake, and greenhouse... gives me about 300 watts to play with, so I could airbrush at 180w for compressor and booth😄

The Storm was nuts!!! we have 3 roads out of our neighborhood... all blocked. My neighborhood was literally stuck for a day and a half, no way in or out, while they dealt with down trees and power lines. then it was another day and a half for power... I walked about my hood and everywhere you looked was green with down limbs, and powerlines down or so low you say to yourself "yeah, not driving under that"... Thankfully I think only 5-6 houses had any damage so that's good. You gotta love a good storm every once in a while 😛
7 January 2019, 23:39
Tom ...
Hmmm, I see a diorama in your future Chris..... entitled: The Great Storm of 2019! Can't wait...
7 January 2019, 23:43
Chris Greathouse
I live in the foothills of a Pass, so a lot of the crappy weather... we are like a 6 outta 10 for crappy weather splashzone, although this this the worst storm in years... it's usually that rain that makes you pull off the side of the road because it's so thick you can't see your hood, or wind enough to make a fantastic swaying howling show of trees, and maybe lights out for an hour here or there, but nothing show stopping.... 10 years ago they put in a redundant power line meaning if a tree/wind snapped a line power would just get re routed.... until another tree snapped another wire 😛 but still, it's a layer of protection. before then it was like you blew and the lights went out. @ Robert, since we only live a short distance from the pass, we all own snowshoes and head up alot 😄
7 January 2019, 23:57
Bob Hall
Good to hear all is well !

@ Tom - Updated title to the Dio "The Great Storm of 2019" Featuring Chrissicle and the Frozen Ferrari ! LOL !
8 January 2019, 01:58
Chris Greathouse
nice... 😛
8 January 2019, 02:06
Chris Greathouse
I guess I should say, while we had no power, I got the rest of the red/black pieces done and primered the remaining 30 dark/black pieces. I hate the red/orange color that came out... but I am enjoying (mostly) the process still 🙂...
8 January 2019, 02:19
Tom ...
I feel ya, Chris. In my case the quality of the model is poor and it's definitely a bit of a struggle to get the momentum going again.
8 January 2019, 03:32
Martin Oostrom
You can reduce the stickyness of the masking tape by putting it it on the back side of your hand first. That will remove a bit of the glue. NOT the inside of your hand as that will get all kinds of fats and oils on your masked paint.
8 January 2019, 06:05
Chris Greathouse
I finally got all the pieces painted, and the first clear coat is done. Tomorrow I'll start decals, then more clear coat and finally building 🙂 I'm getting there. 😄
11 January 2019, 23:04
Woot-Woot. Ready to see some photos!
11 January 2019, 23:43
Nathan Dempsey
<Insert drum roll here>
12 January 2019, 00:42
Chris Greathouse
Seats! Decals is usually my favorite part of the build... usually (unless the decals are a million years old and crusty)
13 January 2019, 00:10
Chris Greathouse
Decals are done! and the last clear coat too! Tomorrow is build day (#1), I'll try to take pics at different stages.
15 January 2019, 01:34
Bob Hall
And the saga of Chriscickel and the Frozen Ferrari continues ! The Return of the Red Guy ! Har Har !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
15 January 2019, 02:29
Chris Greathouse
Here are most of the decaled exterior pieces... 🙂
15 January 2019, 18:56
Martin Oostrom
Is she redder than before? Or is it the lighting?
Looks like you're doing a good job 👍
15 January 2019, 19:08
Tom ...
Really great job. That looks like it was a lot of work! Definitely paid off!
15 January 2019, 19:17
The red really does look good! No orange color any more
15 January 2019, 19:31
Chris Greathouse
This is what color the car is [img1] also, uploaded engine pics.... I can't believe it's only step 3 of 40!! I'm used to models with 15-20 steps... I like how the engine turned out 🙂
15 January 2019, 21:18
Bob Hall
Oh Man ! That's coming together very nice !
16 January 2019, 00:19
Chris Greathouse
Well... got to step 14 for today... I really like Tamiya kits.... everything fits without having to mend pieces to fit they way they are supposed to. I really wish that I glued more pieces together before I hit the paint booth... the hood is ugly betty. But still moving forward...
16 January 2019, 00:48
Chris Greathouse
I'm 'dash'ing through!! step 23/40
16 January 2019, 22:45
Chris Greathouse
Guys!!!!! It's half a car 31/40 😄
17 January 2019, 00:24
Tom ...
Man that's a lot of pieces.
17 January 2019, 01:34
Chris Greathouse
This one has 154 pieces of only about 15 are chrome.... I just bought the White Freightliner Dual Drive Tractor (AMT AMT620, 1:25) and the box says 280 pieces... alot of chrome probably... I really need to figure out how to display semi's in my tiny world, the 2 16-car stands I built took up the last bit of real estate.... maybe I'll line part of a wall with a wall-mounted plexi display... dunno... but yeah this Ferrari has alot of pieces... and I'm calling it quits for today.... still at 31.

17 January 2019, 02:41
Martin Oostrom
The modelling dilemma: Glue , paint, damn I can't get it in place OR paint, glue, damn there is a seamline highly visible!
I think you're doing a great job Chris. Can't wait for the Freightliner 👍
17 January 2019, 10:01
Chris Greathouse
@Thanks Martin, yeah I complain a lot, but I still love the process, and I still love the fact that I made something. I have severe confidence issues (and anxiety to the max, and PTSD), the modeling is helping. for once in several, several years. I'm proud of something... and all of you guys rock! Pushing me on and rooting... as far as the freightliner, it'll be sometime after the Bond Submarine Car and Midget II at people's request.
17 January 2019, 17:04
Chris Greathouse
PEOPLE!!!!!!!!!!!! WE HAVE A CAR!!!!! FINITO 😄
18 January 2019, 03:21
Bob Hall
18 January 2019, 03:37
Bob Hall
Dude ! That Looks AWESOME !
18 January 2019, 03:41
Tom ...
Damn, that's some car. Very well done indeed. I feel like a wimp. My car only has like 10 pieces and I'm struggling to complete it. Very awesome work, dude! Onward and upward!
18 January 2019, 04:16
Chris Greathouse
Actually, onward and downward 😄... "Can you swim?" *as Bond drives off the pier into the water*
18 January 2019, 04:27
Tom ...
Ah great. I've been looking forward to that one! Should be a walk in the park compare to what you just did!
18 January 2019, 04:30
Chris Greathouse
Yeah, I'm hoping 😄 a new kit company for me to work with as well, Fujimi.
18 January 2019, 04:32
Chris is looks really good man! LMK how the Fujimi kit builds up. I'm curious because I wanna get their GT40
18 January 2019, 18:09
Chris Greathouse
Thanks M, I hope Fujimi is better than AMT! 😄 AMT has great models but the build quality is absolute horsesh#t
18 January 2019, 18:38
Bob Hall
I agree totally ! Unfortunately They are the only ones that make some the cars I love,but given the choice I would go with Revell,Tamiya or Fujimi first any day.
18 January 2019, 20:10
Chris Greathouse
They also make some cool fantasy cars, which is awesome, this guy is on my wishlist even though it's AMT, too unique to pass up... I'll deal with the bad quality 🙂 Depth Charger Aqua-Rod (AMT T-337, 1:25)

18 January 2019, 20:25
Chris Greathouse
and this one too! Li'l Gasser (AMT T-302, 1:25)

18 January 2019, 20:40
Nathan Dempsey
Oh man that came out nice!
20 January 2019, 01:08
Chris Greathouse
Testing out my new 14"x 16" Photo-booth with my least dusty model 😛 🙂
23 January 2019, 01:53
Bob Hall
Sweet ! Really brings out the Red !
23 January 2019, 03:24
Tom ...
Hey that is super cool! I think you should do a "My Models" album and have one photo of each model you've built, shot using the photo-booth. Actually I think everyone should have an album like that. I'm going to. Of course it'll only take a few seconds as I've only 3 models 🙂
23 January 2019, 18:55
Chris Greathouse
I was thinking that I might do that, but then I'd have to gently and carefully dust/clean each model (I think there's around 25 models so far 😄 ).... super dusty... but still I might do that
23 January 2019, 19:32
Chris Greathouse
I think Tom is saying 1 picture per car in a single "final display" type album using the booth, not just a display pic per album as you see on the albums page.
23 January 2019, 19:43
Tom ...
Ha, I was in the LHS and saw the FXX-K on the shelf and thought, "Ah that's Chris's car!"... and nearly bought it. If you hadn't built this I wouldn't have noticed it in the first place (not my kind of car).
28 January 2019, 04:26
Chris Greathouse
hee... Yeah... I like cars without hard corners, I like the angles, roundness, schwoops etc... and of course the more unique the shape, the more intrigued I am. Race cars and supercars fit that bill... I will be building more of them... just don't expect the decal level of Martin, that guy's nutzo good.
28 January 2019, 05:27
Bob Hall
I see between the 3 of us,we could start that dealership. I love the boxy hard corner All American Muscle and Pony cars ! LOL Scalemates CarMax ! haaaaaaaa !!!!!
28 January 2019, 05:50
Martin Oostrom
I'm not nutzo! Just lucky that Tamiya put a great set of decals in that box 😄
And I will build almost anything, wheels, wings, tracks or hull, just having fun.
28 January 2019, 06:03
Chris Greathouse
Oh I know that 😛 But everyone on here is a little nutzo! 😛 That's why it feels like home 😛 You getting those decals set perfectly over the hood vents blew me away!
28 January 2019, 06:17
Chris Greathouse
Adding pics with my photo booth, this was my 25th build...
29 January 2019, 02:23

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1:24 Ferrari FXX K (Tamiya 24343)

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