Scott Dutton kirjailijaEnjoyed this one, bit different
19 July 2021, 11:46
Rui SVery well done, figure painting too 👍
25 July 2021, 15:02
Scott Dutton kirjailijaGlad figures aren't camouflaged uniforms, thanks
25 July 2021, 22:19
NeulingThat´s what I call "live ammunition". Top work in every aspect! 👍
26 July 2021, 08:47
Scott Dutton kirjailijaBig bang. Loved the guy climbing out barrel
27 July 2021, 03:55
PepeVery good
29 December 2021, 22:12
PepeVery good
29 December 2021, 22:12
Mr JamesBeautiful, beautiful work... Figure painting, weathering, posing all brilliant
11 October 2023, 15:03
Scott Dutton kirjailijaCheers, I built the m9del because of the figures
11 October 2023, 21:06
OlivierVery clever !
12 October 2023, 00:42
Guy RumpImpressive build, figures look great. 👍
12 October 2023, 06:27
DoubtingmangoNicely done! Mr. James summed it up perfectly
30 December 2023, 20:40