B-25J MitchellRevell | N° 85-5512 | 1:48Projets6 imagesMyAlbum1:48Projet: B-25J Mitchell11 imagesB-25J Finished1:48Balance is exactly right lol, if i take off the main canopy the plane tips back.Projet: B-25J Build15 imagesB-251:48Projet: Air Apache12 imagesB-25j Mitchell1:48Projet: B-25j Mitchell14 imagesBF- B25j Mitchell1:48Projet: B-25J Mitchell16 imagesB-25J1:48Projet: B-25J Mitchell4 imagesB-25 Mitchell Venezuelan Medium Bomber1:48Projet: B-25 Mitchell FAV Venezuelan5 imagesB-25J1:48Projet: B-25J Mitchell Revell33 imagesRevell B-25 Mitchell1:48The kitProjet: Revell B-25 Mitchell47 imagesRevell B-25J1:48Trying to clean up the cowlings...Projet: Revell B-25j "Solid Jackson"2+6 imagesMitchell 20141:48Projet: Project-011 / B-25J Mitchell17 imagesB-25 J MITCHELL1:48Projet: B-25J Mitchell Revell11 imagesMyAlbum1:48Projet: B-25J Mitchell9 imagesMyAlbum1:48Projet: Revell B-25 Mitchell