[Revell] VW Type 2 (T2) - WIP
June 13, 2024Washed.2
June 13, 2024First, I trimmed down the parts that needed to be colored.3
June 13, 2024The marked area was not a perfect fit, so I applied heat to correct it.4
June 13, 2024The passenger side doors also needed fixing, so I taped them up and put them in the food dryer for a few days.5
June 13, 2024The driver's door fit perfectly.6
June 13, 2024I ripped the handle off the engine compartment because it was in the way of the polish.7
June 13, 2024Since I plan to paint it a light color, I painted the inside black surfacer to prevent sub-surface scattering.8
June 13, 2024I covered it again with white surfacer.
I forgot the engine compartment cover shown.9
June 13, 2024I then painted it a glossy white color.
I thought about patterning the sheets, but I couldn't be bothered, so I painted them yellow.
The colors are really pretty, but Scalemates makes the photo appear darker than the original. 🙁
June 14, 2024Masked for two tone color.11
June 14, 2024Painted orange color.12
June 14, 2024Removed mask. I like it.13
June 14, 2024The parts still don't fit together perfectly, so I have to re-tape them and put them in the food dryer.14
June 14, 2024I bought white toner and made a floral decal. (motorart.tistory.com/772)
Because it is a laser printer toner, the bright color is bound to be light, but it was made into a floral pattern so that it would not look awkward even if the density was light.15
June 14, 2024Other side.16
June 15, 2024Interior - racing white.
And, a part of the back of the chair was hidden in the corner of work table.17
June 15, 2024The areas where the masked line was not clean were cleaned up with a brush.18
June 15, 20241st. clear coat.19
June 16, 20242nd. clear coat.20
August 13, 20243rd. clear coat.21
August 13, 2024After dried for a many days.22
August 13, 2024The decal was quite thick, so I sanded it down.23
August 13, 2024Last clear coat.24
August 13, 2024Sanded again.25
August 13, 2024I used rough compound.26
August 13, 2024And I used various compounds to achieve the final shine.
The surface isn't completely flat because of the decals, but I decided not to bother anymore.27
August 13, 2024Banded... 🙁
I wish Revell would pay more attention to the packaging of their products.28
August 13, 2024I tried to bend it in hot water and it broke when I bent it impatiently.29
August 13, 2024I cut the transparent pla-plate for restore it.30
August 13, 2024I rounded off the corners to make it just right.31
August 14, 2024I tried to express the rubber of the window frame by cutting the plastic into thin pieces.
As expected, when I used non-resin adhesive for this project, it broke at places where I bent it too hard. In particular, quick-type adhesives seem to have a much higher chance of breaking.32
August 14, 2024I changed the plan and used super glue.33
August 14, 2024Some of the plated parts were not molded cleanly.
Because of the location of the gate, it will have to be stripped and painted anyway.34
August 14, 2024As expected, the primer does not come off cleanly.
The bigger problem was that one of the wheel covers came off when I washed it in the sink.35
August 14, 2024I used silicone putty to replicate the lost hubcap.
August 14, 2024This time, I had to duplicate both sides, so I made a mold for the back as well, and dug a path on both sides so that the resin can escape when the molds are overlapped.37
August 14, 2024Curing did not proceed properly. I tried again by changing the hardener ratio to 2:1, but it did not harden at all and even the mold was damaged. The resin I have is about 20 years old, and I think it's because it's so old.38
August 14, 2024I remade mold only the front side and copied it this time with UV resin.
And then I dug out the inside of the other side.39
August 14, 2024The reason I had to dig out the inside was because of the orange part seen on the right.40
August 15, 2024These parts require detail-up.41
August 15, 2024First, I worked on a simple room mirror.42
August 15, 2024I used cloth pin and very thin aluminium plate.43
August 16, 2024And I sanded the end of the aluminum rod into a round shape.44
August 16, 2024Then, when assembled, it will look like this.45
August 17, 2024Since the wiper had good details, I decided to trim only the marked parts and use them.46
August 17, 2024For these parts, it was decided to replace only the rod with iron.47
August 17, 2024Like this.48
August 17, 2024Masked windows. This tape is a Trumpeter product, but the adhesive strength was so weak that it kept moving when I cut into it. So I ended up tearing it all down and masking it with GSI products.49
August 17, 2024The tail lamp surface was not smooth, so I sanded it and polished it. (left)50
August 18, 2024I painted dark gray, black surfacer.51
August 18, 2024Painted flat aluminum, white surfacer and I painted gloss black for chrome.52
August 18, 2024I painted gloss white and gloss clear for chrome.53
August 18, 2024Painted chrome. Gloss coated emblem.54
August 18, 2024I painted panel-line.55
August 18, 2024And I painted with paint bursh.56
August 18, 2024On the left, chrome sheet (vinyl) was used, but the edges were wrinkled due to the embossing of the rivets.
So I tore it all apart and used the new aluminum foil (metal) from Tamiya.
As you can see, it was finished neatly.
It feels very similar to bare metal foil, but only slightly better.57
August 18, 2024Ready to assemble.58
August 18, 2024Because I painted the snap kit, I had to enlarge the assembly holes and assemble it.59
August 18, 2024The assembly of the under body has been completed.60
August 18, 2024Assembled seats.61
August 18, 2024Attached on the inner plate.62
August 19, 2024Another view.63
August 19, 2024Windows were installed.
There are quite a few windows, but compared to Hasegawa's T1 bus, they are about half as quantity.
Best of all, since it is a snap tite, there was no stress in attaching it on.
However, if the window is not properly trimmed after pre-assembly, the thin window frame will become bent.64
August 19, 2024I like this color scheme.65
August 19, 2024It is simply installed on the inside of the front of the vehicle.66
August 19, 2024The mask is designed to hold the door so that it does not fall off.67
August 19, 2024Assembling the top and bottom plates is a bit tricky.
I had to fit the back into place first, then insert the front to a certain extent, and then forcefully push it in while spreading the arrow parts apart.68
August 19, 2024Attached side mirror. almost done.
The Scale Mate album seems to transform the image into a dark and cloudy one 🙁
August 20, 2024Assembled all face parts.70
August 20, 2024Assembled all rear parts.71
August 20, 2024And lastly, attached metal sticker.
August 20, 2024Well. It's done.73
August 20, 2024While I was attaching the keyhole, one of the pieces escaped from the tweezers and I lost it, and it's stuck over there (fuel cover).
Thanks for watching. 😉
14 March 2025, 02:20 -
Album info
FHD images - motorart.tistory.com/777