Folgore 70 Sqn
14 January 2018, 12:37

Hy! Yes it's a beautiful Plane, and a superb kit, but this typical camouflage of the Regia Aeronautica, it's a interesting task. In Italy we call it 'amebe' and they are so peculiar that You can find decals to apply instead of painting it. I'm still looking for a trick that prevent to unpainting everything if You male a mistake with the last one! And the black cat insigna means more than a squadron. On the rudere You can see the Savoia Cross (the King National insigna) and in the front fuselage, right down the canopy the fascist crest. On the Wing, up and down, You can see a circle with three black fasci. Sometimes the field is white, but it's depends on the color of the camo. And this peculiar insigna was typical for the nightfighter.
I'm not going on bother You!
14 January 2018, 13:20