AH-64 ApacheVoir: Diaporama Mosaïque Liste 1May 2, 2018The set. Very bad kit. It will be a test for ny perserverance. 2March 11, 2019Cockpit. 3April 10, 2019Body assembly. 4March 20, 2019Awful model... 5April 2, 2019Poor details... 6April 2, 2019Big gapes between the parts. 7April 8, 2019Bad decals, bad model... Let's make a casualty. 8April 9, 2019Weathering. 9April 9, 2019Weathering. 10April 9, 2019Weathering. 11April 10, 2019War casualty. 12April 10, 2019War casualty. 13April 10, 2019War casualty. 14April 10, 2019War casualty. 15April 10, 2019War casualty. Commentaires30 April 2018, 08:21 - Message privé Project infoAH-64 Apache15 images1:72TerminéMcDonnell-Douglas AH-64A Apache US Army Aviation Branch (1983-now)25386 Tous les albumsVoir tous les albums »