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Chris Greathouse (chrisagreat)

Project 049 -- Paddy Wagon


1 8 October 2019, 00:33
Nathan Dempsey
I'm ready for jail 🙂
 8 October 2019, 01:27
Chris Greathouse Auteur
What's cool with this kit, it has 2 high quality painted figs.
 8 October 2019, 01:34
Bob Hall
 8 October 2019, 01:47
Bob Hall
I'll send ya some Texas DPS Decals for it ! LOL !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
 8 October 2019, 01:52
Chris Greathouse Auteur
That's the first thing I thought you would say 😛
 8 October 2019, 02:06
Chris Greathouse Auteur
Question: Do you think the Tamiya X-13 Metallic Blue that I used on the Blue Shark semi would look good on the Paddy Wagon? If not then I'm going with Gloss Blue.

Project 034 -- Scania R620 - Blue Shark | Album by chrisagreat (1:24)
 8 October 2019, 02:13
Donald Dickson II
I love these types of kits. Absolutely total imagination. You can do just about anything you want as there is nothing in reality to compare it to.
 8 October 2019, 03:06
Chris Greathouse Auteur
On that note, I'm going with the X-13. I have a bottle and a half of it on the shelf, and I like the look of the color.
 8 October 2019, 03:13
Bob Hall


 8 October 2019, 04:16
Chris Greathouse Auteur
@Robert, sweet!

And we change colors again. I'm going with a Royal Blue.
 8 October 2019, 04:39
Bob Hall
Real thing is pretty wild huh ?
 8 October 2019, 04:58
Chris Greathouse Auteur
 8 October 2019, 05:52
Donald Dickson II
Did not know this was a real vehicle! Pretty cool!
 8 October 2019, 11:07
Nathan Dempsey
Yeah, that's pretty cool that it's real
 8 October 2019, 13:43
Bill Newcomer
Actually the pics show two different ones. Check out the exhaust pipes.
 8 October 2019, 14:04
Martin Oostrom
Also the steps at the back are positioned differently
 8 October 2019, 14:12
Nathan Dempsey
Or perhaps different years in its life. With owners adding bits and modifying.
 8 October 2019, 14:51
Tom ...
Sign me up.
 8 October 2019, 16:45
Check out those crazy air cleaners on that cross ram intake! That is so effin kool! 😉
 8 October 2019, 17:04
I want to know who's brave enough to take on The Boot Hill Express
 8 October 2019, 19:34
Bob Hall
Too weird for my tastes !
 8 October 2019, 19:56
Chris Greathouse Auteur
Those are so cool! There are a ton of awesome fantasy cars. Here is the Boot Hill Express. [img1]
 8 October 2019, 19:58
That's it Chris, for me that's the epitome of show rods 😉
 9 October 2019, 00:18
Chris Greathouse Auteur
#MissingNo. Snipped and sanded all pieces from the sprues and got them separated into primer batches for tomorrow.
 12 October 2019, 04:21
Chris Greathouse Auteur
#4 layed down the first coat of primer, also I forgot to mention in #2 that the upper left sprue was decromed with Super Clean.
 13 October 2019, 05:14
Nice figure painting Chris - wonder what they would like with a dose of Citadel Agrax Earthshade?
 13 October 2019, 12:14
Chris Greathouse Auteur
@Richmond, I wish I could take credit. They are pre-painted ceramic (or similar) figurines. They are quite heavy and delicate, I already had to glue the guys billy club back into his hand straight out of the box.
 13 October 2019, 15:22
Chris Greathouse Auteur
#5 Second layer of grey primer. I don't think that I will do a final layer of white primer as I was thinking to do. I think I'll start from grey this go around.... laziness for the win 😛 Everything looks even and smooth color wise for a good start tomorrow...
 13 October 2019, 23:33
Chaz Gordon
Following this one. Need some motivation to get moving past my two models per year production rate.
 14 October 2019, 07:17
Chris Greathouse Auteur
#6 --- Question: What is the best way to mask off the bars (gold) while I spray the blue body color? Or what would be a good way to do this? Thanks!
 15 October 2019, 17:39
Chaz Gordon
masking fluid. Do the bars first, then use some masking fluid after allowing a couple of days to cure on the bars. alternatively, hand paint the bars after, then lacquer the lot
 15 October 2019, 18:06
Chris Greathouse Auteur
I plan on brushing the gold. But I don't want the darker blue undertone under the gold. Unfortunately I don't have liquid mask.
 15 October 2019, 18:17
Bob Hall
Coat it in Clear Elmer's Glue, Let Dry,Paint will chip off when done.
 15 October 2019, 18:50
Don't worry about the dark blue, just lay a fresh coat of primer over it after masking off around the bars, which looks pretty easy with some thin Tamiya tape.
You can lay the gold on top soon as it dries using the same mask 😉
 15 October 2019, 18:52
Bob Hall
Yeah ! What he said, I just put people behind bars,not paint them ! LOL HAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA !!!!!!!!!!
 15 October 2019, 19:04
Chris Greathouse Auteur
So re-primer and paint the gold bars after doing the blue? Thanks for that... Seems like a straight forward process.
 15 October 2019, 19:05
Chaz Gordon
Alternatively, mask the round part of the bars, spray the blue, then hand paint the bars, the blue undertone will provide some further dimension and interest to the gold bars.
 15 October 2019, 20:47
Chris Greathouse Auteur
#7 Here's the blue and gold I'll be using. They look good together. 😄
 16 October 2019, 21:04
Chris Greathouse Auteur
#8 Fell off the Wagon for a couple days 😛 Was playing Euro Truck Sim 😄 Decals done! Waiting a couple hours then I'll spray the last clear coat later today and building tomorrow.
 22 October 2019, 20:24
Nathan Dempsey
Looking nice Chris. The bars came out well.
 22 October 2019, 21:09
Chris Greathouse Auteur
Thanks!! 😄 A few less decals then my Hatsune Racer 😛
 22 October 2019, 21:23
Martin Oostrom
The royal blue looks like a winner 👍 Nice contrast with the gold
 22 October 2019, 21:29
That's coming out nicely, the cab sides are awesome!
 22 October 2019, 21:53
Chaz Gordon
looking good. I know you use Future for your clear, where in the US do you get it? I'm in Oregon and I can't seem to find a chain that stocks it. To be fair I haven't checked wally world yet.
 23 October 2019, 04:27
Chris Greathouse Auteur
Amazon. It's just not called Future any more. There's been many name changes since the Future days. 🙂
 23 October 2019, 05:41
Martin Oostrom
Chris could add some custom Seahawks paintwork to the helmet of the last one!
 23 October 2019, 20:30
Donald Dickson II
Chaz, WalMart carries it. Just gotta make sure you have the stuff with the correct UPC: 465000018
 23 October 2019, 20:53
Tom ...
yeah, got mine at Walmart (in Portland, Oregon)
 23 October 2019, 21:22
This one is on my wish list.. 🙂
 23 October 2019, 21:53
Chris Greathouse Auteur
Those are cool!
 23 October 2019, 22:08
Chris Greathouse Auteur
 23 October 2019, 22:12
Bob Hall
Future has a new(er) name
Pledge Floor Gloss, formerly known as Pledge FloorCare Multi-Surface Finish, formerly known as Future, has a new look. The ever-useful-for-modeling-purposes floor polish goes by a new moniker now: Pledge Floor Gloss. Along with a new name, this S.C.May 24, 2018
 24 October 2019, 01:19
Chaz Gordon
Awrsome, many thanks for the info, will swing past wally world in the morning
 24 October 2019, 05:58
Chris Greathouse Auteur
#9 Everything is ready. Build time. 😄
 24 October 2019, 19:09
That cross-ram inlet is insane! Even the valley cover is kool😉
 24 October 2019, 20:08
Chris Greathouse Auteur
#11 Done! Photobooth pics later today or tomorrow 😄
 24 October 2019, 22:36
Bill Newcomer
Congratz on another colorful addition to your collection. That intake system is way cool!
 25 October 2019, 01:38
Bob Hall
Agreed ! Fabulous Job Chris ! That is cool !
 25 October 2019, 06:50
Danny Meer
Very cool paddy wagon 🙂
 25 October 2019, 10:29
A jolly blue "Grüne Minna"!
 25 October 2019, 13:04
Cliff Jones
Lookin' good, Chris!
 25 October 2019, 13:45
Tom ...
ha! 1912 Fuzz. Love it.
 25 October 2019, 21:14
Chris Greathouse Auteur
@Tom, yeah I thought that was a great touch.

@All Thanks all for your comments! 😄 It pushes me on 😄
 25 October 2019, 21:29
Martin Oostrom
Well done Chris 👍
What's next? Might I push you into a certain Ford?
 26 October 2019, 14:50
Nathan Dempsey
Looks great Chris. The gold color came out well. That's a hard color to paint.
 26 October 2019, 16:28
Chris Greathouse Auteur
@Martin, the '57 Custom, F-350 dullie, or the Le Mans racer?
@All, Thanks guys!
 26 October 2019, 17:51
Bob Hall
Seeing as I'm a Betting man, I'm putting odds that Martin is referring to The Ford GT, judging by amount of finely built racers in his collection !
 26 October 2019, 19:00
Chris Greathouse Auteur
Here's a link to my next project, body color will be silver:
Project 050 -- Nissan Fairlady Z 300ZR | Album by chrisagreat (1:24)
 28 October 2019, 23:35
Dominik Weitzer
Very cool. Looks good Chris
 26 January 2020, 09:58

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1:24 Paddy Wagon (Monogram 85-4194)

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