Ferrari F138 China GPAffichage: Diaporama Mosaïque Liste 1May 11, 2020 2May 11, 2020 3May 11, 2020 4May 11, 2020 5May 11, 2020 6May 11, 2020 7May 11, 2020 8May 11, 2020 9May 11, 2020 10May 11, 2020Grrrr ! Le plan n'indiquait pas de peindre en noir le dessous du nez créant une rupture de couleur.... 11May 14, 2020 12May 14, 2020 13May 14, 2020 14May 14, 2020 15May 14, 2020 16May 14, 2020 17May 18, 2020 18May 18, 2020 19May 18, 2020 20May 18, 2020 21May 18, 2020 22May 18, 2020bonnet has not been glued which mean we can see the engine, but when closed it is not perfectly fitting 23May 18, 2020 24May 18, 2020 25May 18, 2020 26May 18, 2020 27May 18, 2020 28May 18, 2020I realised I forgot the mirrors when I took those pictures. Added since ! Commentaires15 March 2025, 00:26 - Project infoFerrari F138 China GP28 images1:20TerminéTous les albumsVoir tous les albums »