Saab 91D Safir
February 21, 2021Photograph made by myself, in 1981, Eelde Airport. I will make the model representing this one.2
February 21, 2021A quick dry fit. Lot's of glass, so lot's of time going into the cockpit details.3
February 21, 2021This is going to help me!4
April 10, 2021I started with the cockpit, as you do!5
April 10, 2021I added Junkers Ju-88 seatbelts because I hate PE belts, like the ones which came with the MPM set. I found that the Junkers seat belts came close compared with reference pics.6
April 20, 2021Still a lot to be done on cockpit details.7
April 20, 20218
April 20, 2021The dashboard is too wide. I will scrape the inside of the fuselage to make it fit.9
April 27, 2021Lining up with the help of cardboard and rubber bands.10
May 18, 2021Trying to simulate the fabric covering of the rudders by scraping between the ribs.11
May 18, 2021The Dutch version had a big formation light on top of the fin. I drilled a hole in the top and put a piece of Evergreen tube in it.12
May 18, 2021Detailing the exhaust13
January 8, 2022Replacing the rather crude undercarriage by scratch build.14
January 8, 2022Just checking how she sits. I added too little weight in the nose, problem!
14 March 2025, 00:53 -
Album info
A light trainer used by the Rijksluchtvaartdienst (RLS).