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Cav Trooper
Cav Trooper

AV-8B Harrier II


10 21 August 2021, 19:57
David H
Really lovely harrier, excellent finish, but then I'm biased I love harriers in all their guises
 22 August 2021, 14:09
Oleg Smilyk
Nice! I Love Harriers very very much !) Clean build, neat assembly!
 22 August 2021, 17:48
Very nice! Good looking Harrier!
 18 October 2021, 19:53
Oliver Zwiener
Klasse Ding !
 19 October 2021, 05:14

Album info

Spent a lot of time around Harrier IIs while stationed at Kadena AB in Okinawa, Japan. Built this model straight from the box. Painted by hand using Testors Acryls. Used a mechanical pencil to draw/detail the panel lines. As I built this kit many years ago, I recall that it built up perfectly with no issues.

7 images
1:72 AV-8B Harrier ll (Hasegawa D19)

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