Albums (11)Derniers albums du projet8 images50 years of Porsche 9111:12Starting with the big one.Projet: 50 years Porsche 9113+13 imagesWIP1:12dryfit exhaust.. it's bit fiddlyProjet: Bimota Tesi 1D 906SR24 imagesTamiya Renault RE-20 Turbo1:12engineProjet: Renault RE-20 TurboAutres albums252 imagesTechnikmuseum Sinsheim 201392 images16. Frankfurter Modellauto-Ausstellung11 imagesFloridaGreetings from Florida4 imagesWorkplacce100 imagesTechnikmuseum Speyer 2013Modelers are friendly People3 imagesScalemates nameplatescalemates nameplate60 images17. Militärmodellbauausstellung im Panzermuseum Munster19 imagesDPMV Konvent 2013