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Star Destroyer (Lighting Model)

First Production Limited

Bandai Spirits | No. 5057625 | 1:5000

Boxart Star Destroyer (Lighting Model) 5057625 Bandai Spirits


Bandai Spirits
Star Destroyer (Lighting Model) First Production Limited
5057625 (Más néven 2466992)
Teljes készlet
2019 Új alkatrészek
4573102576255 (EAN)
Merev doboz (felfele nyíló)
Star destroyer Imperial-class » Star Wars (Science Fiction)

A doboz tartalma

Műanyag rugó (White), Műanyag rugó (Clear), Műanyag rugó (Black), Műanyag rugó (Light gray), Matricák (öntapadós) (Multi-colored)

592x393x75 mm (23.3x15.5x3 inch)

1192 g (2.63 lbs)

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Bandai Spirits
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Maurin Krüger
Youtube Video
1 23 May 2019, 01:55
Cody Kwok
It turns out there are two ways to light the kit, the default way where you just have the light ooze out of the holes from the LEDs, and the traditional and more labor intensive one where you use fiber optics (not included). The optimization they've done for you is they included some clear parts where you can stick the FO in. The included booklet by Model Graphix has a SBS guide (english/japanese) of how to do this. The booklet didn't do a good job of differentiating the final outcome (it doesn't want to say the original way is bad of course), but I think FO is by far the better option. But tons more work so back to the stash it did.
 7 October 2019, 18:16
Ooh, what is this? 🙂 I would guess a 30-35 cm long model.
Minden megjegyzés (5) » 4 May 2019, 13:55
Word on the street is there will be the lighted premium version and a cheaper version without the lighting kit.
 5 May 2019, 09:56
@ Demigod: Yes the lighted version is about 50% more than the unlighted one. The lighted one is supposed to include a special booklet and have clear parts (duh!).

If Bandai had done this a year and a half ago I would have grabbed one. As it is I spent a lot of time super detailing and lighting the Revell kit (which is slightly bigger than Banadai's) and then I bought the Zvezda with all the Resin and PE aftermarket items along with a lighting kit. The Zvezda is almost twice the size of Bandai. I love Bandai and have all their smaller Star Wars kits but this came too late for me. I will pass.
 7 May 2019, 05:21