US Jeep - Ardennes
2 14 April 2019, 04:57
Scott Dutton
Very much enjoyig these quick builds. Pick something simple and model, repeat. Will aim at big project soon, probably ????
Very much enjoyig these quick builds. Pick something simple and model, repeat. Will aim at big project soon, probably ????
14 April 2019, 23:53
Curtis Caden
Well done! I like that you left the trip wire guard on the jeep - don't want any throats cut by those nasty wires.
Well done! I like that you left the trip wire guard on the jeep - don't want any throats cut by those nasty wires.
17 April 2019, 18:15
Scott Dutton
Don't generally do dios, I don't have the room and I find that they take a lot of time to look reasonable. I dont mind the idea of simle bases especially for something tiny. Just bought a couple of 120mm US figures for an Ardennes vignette. Like snow scheme, as 0retty simple and quick.thanks for encouragement and kind winds
Don't generally do dios, I don't have the room and I find that they take a lot of time to look reasonable. I dont mind the idea of simle bases especially for something tiny. Just bought a couple of 120mm US figures for an Ardennes vignette. Like snow scheme, as 0retty simple and quick.thanks for encouragement and kind winds
18 April 2019, 23:27