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USAF & NASA Starfighters

Victory Productions | N. VPD48005 | 1:48

Boxart USAF & NASA Starfighters VPD48005 Victory Productions

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Contents USAF & NASA Starfighters VPD48005 Victory Productions


Lockheed F-104 Starfighter

Lockheed F-104A-10-LO Starfighter
US US Air Force (1947-now)
US US Navy (1794-now)
Lockheed F-104A-15-LO Starfighter
US US Air Force (1947-now)
Lockheed F-104A-20-LO Starfighter
US US Air Force (1947-now)
Lockheed F-104A-25-LO Starfighter
US US Air Force (1947-now)
Lockheed F-104A-30-LO Starfighter
US US Air Force (1947-now)
Lockheed F-104B-10-LO Starfighter
US US Air Force (1947-now)
Lockheed F-104B-5-LO Starfighter
US US Air Force (1947-now)
Lockheed F-104C-10-LO Starfighter
US US Air Force (1947-now)
Lockheed F-104C-5-LO Starfighter
US US Air Force (1947-now)
Lockheed F-104D-10-LO Starfighter
US US Air Force (1947-now)
Lockheed F-104D-5-LO Starfighter
US US Air Force (1947-now)
Lockheed F-104N Starfighter
US NASA-National Aeronautics and Space Administration (1958-now)
Lockheed NF-104A Starfighter
US US Air Force (1947-now)
Lockheed QF-104A Starfighter
US US Air Force (1947-now)
Lockheed QF-104A-5-LO Starfighter
US US Air Force (1947-now)
Lockheed YF-104A-1-LO Starfighter
US NASA-National Aeronautics and Space Administration (1958-now)
US US Air Force (1947-now)

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