1966 Chevy Nova Pro StreetVista: Presentazione Mosaico Elenco 1July 12, 2023 2July 12, 2023The gray parts are from the AMT 1966 Chevy Nova SS boxing from 2000. 3July 13, 2023Getting some parts ready for paint. 4July 15, 2023So between my Olfa and Tamiya scribers I managed to get the Hood Scoop area cut out without completely f@#king it away. Still put a good sized scratch in it trying to clean it up! Grrrr!!! 5July 15, 2023Will need a tad bit of putty to clean up the ejector pin marks on the back of the hood and touch up the Air Scoop. Commenti13 March 2025, 23:30 - Project info1966 Chevy Nova Pro Street5 immagini1:25In corsoTutti gli albumVisualizza tutti gli album »