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Afonso Braga (barkhorn)

Revell 1:16Rolls Royce1934 Phantom II Continental


11 21 March 2024, 20:42
Lochsa River
sittin this
 23 March 2024, 07:36
Afonso Braga Autore
Minor retouches needed but looks promising
 24 March 2024, 09:47
Afonso Braga Autore
Retouches completed, varnished and drying, preparing engine and undercarriage for assembling and painting
 24 March 2024, 13:36
Afonso Braga Autore
Ended up using tamiya TS-13 gloss varnish to seal the paint job
 24 March 2024, 13:38
Very nice work so far.
 8 April 2024, 10:55
Afonso Braga Autore
Thank you Gorby for your kind words, i think it is satisfactory with many flaws, but i am the only one to be blamed for that, i tried to work with bad lighting and also allowed to be distracted often and that comes with a price.
The kit is old and is missing one or two pieces but i think i will be able to scratch build them as they are quite simple
The hoses that came with the kit are not wide enough to fit properly so it has been a struggle to properly secure them but then good challenges are welcome as they allow us to improve skills
 8 April 2024, 12:19
Afonso Braga Autore
Scratch built missing piece as shown in picture, not perfect at all but will do the trick
Next step will be to prepare cockpit and doors and to paint the bonnet side panels in polished aluminium
 8 April 2024, 21:45
Afonso Braga Autore
What would you recommend to paint the bonnet side panels?

1 - polished aluminium

2 - anodised aluminium (champagne gold)
 8 April 2024, 22:08

Project info

52 immagini
In corso
1:16 Rolls Royce 1934 Phantom II Continental (Revell H-1294)

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