50 years of Porsche 911Vista: Presentazione Mosaico Elenco 1August 13, 2013Starting with the big one. 2August 13, 2013a closer look at the body, some work to be done at the front... 3August 13, 2013... at the end... 4August 13, 2013and the door doesn't fit well. 5August 13, 2013OK, let's have a look at the engine. Gearbox = OK 6August 13, 2013Engine looks good. 7August 13, 2013Exhaust system... WOW! Surprise... the japanese guys forgot to add the TURBOcharger... 8August 13, 2013The wheels look pretty good, the rim is three-part. Commenti15 March 2025, 04:26 - Album infoA WIP Album50 years Porsche 9118 immagini1:12In corsoTutti gli albumVisualizza tutti gli album »