Bell P-39 AiracobraVista: Presentazione Mosaico Elenco 1April 26, 2018The stand. The color is so unusual for our days that I will leave it. 2April 26, 2018Cockpit painted. 3April 26, 2018Cockpit and interior parts painted. 4May 2, 2018Body assembling. 5May 2, 2018Wings assembling. 6May 3, 2018Landing gear almost ready... 7May 3, 2018All body connected. 8May 7, 2018Putty on. 9December 18, 2018After finish the propeler part, I realize that this part should be assemble prior to the close of the plane. 🙁 10January 21, 2019After the accident.. Glued and redy for the decals. 11January 21, 2019Decals and weathereing. The decals were old so some more extreme weathering was used... 12January 21, 2019Decals and weathereing. The decals were old so some more extreme weathering was used... 13January 21, 2019Decals and weathereing. The decals were old so some more extreme weathering was used... 14January 21, 2019Finalized. 15January 21, 2019Finalized. 16January 21, 2019Finalized. 17January 21, 2019Finalized. 18January 21, 2019Finalized. 19January 21, 2019Finalized. 20January 21, 2019Finalized. Commenti26 April 2018, 07:48 - Messaggio privato Lost_ErikGood start on a old but fun kit! 27 April 2018, 02:31Project infoBell P-39 Airacobra20 immagini1:72CompletatoBell P-39Q Airacobra Военно-воздушные силы СССР (Soviet Air Forces 1918-1992)12World War 2Forest Green, Earth Tutti gli albumVisualizza tutti gli album »