Honda F1 RA272E (1965 Maxican GP Winner) WIP
February 28, 2019sanding and carving(panel-line)2
February 28, 2019carving(little air intake)3
February 28, 2019I'll apply PE mesh (diamond and square)4
February 28, 2019size check5
February 28, 2019white surfacing, and main body painting(white 70% + racing white 30%)6
February 28, 2019measure circle7
February 28, 2019try stick it. this decal is little smaller than box art8
February 28, 2019paint it!9
February 28, 2019and stick it remaining every body decal.10
February 28, 2019maybe I think this is trapped air.11
February 28, 2019anyway, I just try 1st clear coat.12
February 28, 2019again(2nd clear coat)... but trapped air was still in my eyes13
February 28, 2019after all, I had to cut off that trapped air area.14
February 28, 2019and heavey clear coat again.15
February 28, 2019leveling with sandpaper16
February 28, 2019compounding.17
February 28, 2019compounding.18
February 28, 2019compounding.19
February 28, 2019washing to panel-line20
February 28, 2019piercing21
February 28, 2019painting(gloss black)22
February 28, 2019OMG... decal was torn together when removing the masking tape23
February 28, 2019recovered.24
February 28, 2019masking(rims)25
February 28, 2019build a engine funnel with fire stratched plastic gate. because I lost one.26
February 28, 2019easy detail-up mirror27
February 28, 2019I hate hand painting28
February 28, 2019anyway, paint job was finish29
February 28, 2019heavy clear coat with tamiya acryl clear (x-22)30
February 28, 2019assembling rims and tires31
February 28, 2019start assembly in earnest32
February 28, 2019attaching grill to nose inside33
February 28, 2019assembling transmission with rear sus frame34
February 28, 2019assembling the engine35
February 28, 2019assembling front body with cockpit36
February 28, 2019engine mounting37
February 28, 2019combining38
February 28, 2019finaly, attaching all the remaining parts39
February 28, 2019and finish40
February 28, 2019very excellent kit. I would like to recommend this kit to many people.
13 March 2025, 22:40 -
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Straight Build. (korean description is here...)