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Scott Dutton (ScottieD)

US Jeep - Ardennes


2 14 April 2019, 04:57
Very nice
 14 April 2019, 05:56
David R.
nice & a Great Work
 14 April 2019, 09:44
Michael Hickey
Now that looks really cool.👍
 14 April 2019, 10:05
Scott Dutton Autore
Thanks. Michael, assume pun intended
 14 April 2019, 14:08
Holger Kranich
Puhh, reminds me of Call of Duty. Great!
 14 April 2019, 16:16
Feeling cold while watching this impressive build!
 14 April 2019, 16:56
Ingo F
Looks really good Scott. 👍
 14 April 2019, 19:39
Scott Dutton Autore
Very much enjoyig these quick builds. Pick something simple and model, repeat. Will aim at big project soon, probably ????
 14 April 2019, 23:53
Michael Hickey
 15 April 2019, 00:36
Rui S
Looking forward to see the big one coming😎
 17 April 2019, 11:40
Scott Dutton Autore
Don't hold breath Rui
 17 April 2019, 13:36
Rui S
"Soon" is enough😉
 17 April 2019, 15:10
John Thomas
Very nice
 17 April 2019, 15:10
Tom ...
Very cool!
 17 April 2019, 17:57
Curtis Caden
Well done! I like that you left the trip wire guard on the jeep - don't want any throats cut by those nasty wires.
 17 April 2019, 18:15
Es-haq Khosravi
 17 April 2019, 19:09
Scott Dutton Autore
Thanks all
 18 April 2019, 10:28
Any thoughts about a diorama ?
 18 April 2019, 10:39
Tom ...
It is begging for a dio.
 18 April 2019, 21:45
Scott Dutton Autore
Don't generally do dios, I don't have the room and I find that they take a lot of time to look reasonable. I dont mind the idea of simle bases especially for something tiny. Just bought a couple of 120mm US figures for an Ardennes vignette. Like snow scheme, as 0retty simple and quick.thanks for encouragement and kind winds
 18 April 2019, 23:27
Scott Dutton Autore
 18 April 2019, 23:27

Project info

4 immagini
1:35 Jeep Willys MB (Tamiya 35219)1:35 Jeep driver & passenger (The Bodi TB-35036)

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