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Echo 8
Stefan Schacht (Echo 8)

Panzer IV H


3 20 February 2020, 20:58
Stefan Schacht Autore
Hi mates, just finished one of my old projects. Cheers Stefan
 20 February 2020, 21:01
Thomas K.
very nice! i like it! 👍
 20 February 2020, 21:32
Stefan Schacht Autore
Thanks Thomas
 21 February 2020, 07:34
Great model, great finish! 👍
 21 February 2020, 07:41
Stefan Schacht Autore
thx Tom
 21 February 2020, 11:59
Alec K
Nice job Stefan 👍
 21 February 2020, 16:02
Stefan Schacht Autore
Thanks Alec
 21 February 2020, 23:04
excellent Stefan 🙂
 21 February 2020, 23:23
Super 😉
 22 February 2020, 00:22
I agree with Spanjaard and Gerald.
 22 February 2020, 07:00
Stefan Schacht Autore
Thank you mates for your kind Comments. Cheers Stefan
 22 February 2020, 09:58
Hister Farjas
so great
 24 February 2020, 17:34
Stefan Schacht Autore
Thx Irving
 25 February 2020, 08:08
Stefan Schacht Autore
Thank you Roland
 25 February 2020, 11:56
Peter Batin
Diligence and labor are very noticeable in this spectacular work👍
 7 March 2020, 09:50
Zsolt Czegle
Klasse!! 👍
 7 March 2020, 10:24
Stefan Schacht Autore
Thanks Peter and Zsolt for your kind comments. Cheers Stefan
 8 March 2020, 21:10
Stefan Schacht Autore
Hi mates, after the last weeks I have the patience to build models again. So I decided, to build a little base for the P IV. Now I can start with the figures. Cheers Stefan
 31 March 2020, 21:01
Dirk Scheffler
Picture 15 is my favorite. Well done so far.
 31 March 2020, 21:56
Nice one, Stefan, great dio, figures will finish it perfectly 👍
 1 April 2020, 01:28
Stefan Schacht Autore
Thanks Dirk und Tom for your kind words.
 1 April 2020, 06:52
Peter Batin
Stefan, Very pretty!What sets of vegetation?
 1 April 2020, 08:33
Stefan Schacht Autore
Thanks Peter, I use three types of scattering grass, different in length and color, for the meadow and foam flocking for the field. Finally, I set a few effects with a brush and yellow and green acrylic paint. Cheers Stefan
 1 April 2020, 21:11
Peter Batin
OK. Thank Stefan.
 2 April 2020, 09:38
Stefan Schacht Autore
Hi mates, here is a little up-date. I start to paint the figures. Cheers Stefan
 2 April 2020, 22:34
Marder III
I admire anyone that can work in 1/72 ! i find 1/35 challenging at times
 2 April 2020, 22:57
Stefan Schacht Autore
Thanks Marder III for your kind words. Cheers Stefan
 3 April 2020, 08:02
Stefan Schacht Autore
Hi mate here are the next pictures. I painted the faces and started with the jackets. Cheers Stefan
 3 April 2020, 22:40
Good progress Stefan 👍
 4 April 2020, 02:48
Peter Batin
I'm watching with interest???? Work is moving dynamically???? Which company figures? I usually painted faces last.
 4 April 2020, 06:02
Stefan Schacht Autore
Thank you Tom and Peter for your interest. I use figures form Caesar Miniatues. I think there are different ways to paint a figure. I got inspiration from different friends and books. Cheers Stean
 4 April 2020, 17:39
Stefan Schacht Autore
Hi mates, here are the next 2 pic. the camouflage jackets and pants are ready. Cheers Stefan
 4 April 2020, 22:47
Luc B
 4 April 2020, 23:02
Stefan Schacht Autore
Thanks Luc B
 5 April 2020, 11:20
Stefan Schacht Autore
Hi mates, here is a little update. Cheers Stefan
 5 April 2020, 22:20
Stefan Schacht Autore
Hi mates, the figures are done 🙂 Cheers Stefan
 6 April 2020, 21:16
Stefan Schacht Autore
Hi mates, now are the figures in place on the Dio. Cheers Stefan
 7 April 2020, 22:15
Matthew Stec
Great job!!
 8 April 2020, 00:01
Thomas K.
Gefällt mir 🙂
 8 April 2020, 05:23
Stefan Schacht Autore
Thank you Matthew and Thomas
 8 April 2020, 09:43
Tim Heimer
Nice work on this small dio!
 8 April 2020, 13:52
Daniel Klink
Hi Stefan, fantastic job with this fiddly small Figures.
Great Dio mate Congrats
 8 April 2020, 14:48
Stefan Schacht Autore
Thanks Tim and Daniel for your kind words. Cheers Stefan
 8 April 2020, 17:26
Jim J
Nice! Great Panzer IV diorama. I really like the orientation of the road, fence and treadmarks. Great concept and execution. The figures excellent.
 8 April 2020, 17:54
Great dio mate, fantastic paint job on those mini´s! I really like the foto series showing the paint progress
 9 April 2020, 03:54
Es-haq Khosravi
Great job!
 9 April 2020, 07:28
Stefan Schacht Autore
Thank you Jim, coporado, Es-hagand and Roland for your interest and your very kind comments about my work. Cheers Stefan
 9 April 2020, 17:29
Very nice work!
 9 April 2020, 18:02
 9 April 2020, 19:46
Stefan Schacht Autore
Thanks Chris and Spanjaard
 10 April 2020, 12:49
Peter Batin
It looks very impressive. Perfect!
 28 April 2020, 05:44
Stefan Schacht Autore
Thank you Peter, I am glad you like it.
 28 April 2020, 09:44
The dio has come together brilliantly, Stefan, great model, great figures, and super-realistic terrain 👍
 29 April 2020, 11:46
Stefan Schacht Autore
Thanks Tom for your kind words.
 30 April 2020, 09:59

Project info

33 immagini
1:72 Pz.Kpfw. IV Ausf. H (Revell 03119)1:72 WWII German Panzergrenadiers Set 2 (Caesar Miniatures H053)

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