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Scott Dutton (ScottieD)

UK Westland Whirlwind


13 23 August 2020, 09:30
Scott Dutton Autore
 25 August 2020, 06:04
James C
Nice looking build, and wouldn't mind getting the kit as well seeing this 👍
 25 August 2020, 18:52
Thomas Ehrensperger
Very Nice Aircraft. Good Job.
 25 August 2020, 18:55
Scott Dutton Autore
James, it's nice little kit, not super detailed but a really enjoyable build. 2 decal options, I cheated. It has a brown green as above and the later spitfire colours, grey green. Took liberties, I thought under surface here would be sky not the colour they suggested. Also I didn't like the tail markings for the brown version, so used the lines from the grey scheme. My only real complaint is that it has bomb racks but no bombs. Overall I enjoyed it immensely
 25 August 2020, 23:28
Scott Dutton Autore
Thanks Thomas
 25 August 2020, 23:28
James C
Thanks for the info Scott. Will keep an eye out for it 🙂
 26 August 2020, 01:21
Nathan Dempsey
Interesting subject and a very nice build.
 26 August 2020, 01:32
Sebastian Meyner
Well done mate!
 26 August 2020, 03:43
Danumurthi Mahendra
interesting topic and a very nice build!
 26 August 2020, 03:55
I agree with Danumurthi.
 26 August 2020, 08:04
Scott Dutton Autore
Thank you all for kind words. I'm in a quick simple build mode at the moment so minimal weathering.
 26 August 2020, 22:50

Project info

6 immagini
1:48 Westland Whirlwind (Trumpeter 02890)

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