Messerschmitt Bf 109E-7 Trop Airfix 1:72Vista: Presentazione Mosaico Elenco 1January 10, 2021 2January 10, 2021 3January 10, 2021 4January 13, 2021 5January 13, 2021 6January 13, 2021 7January 13, 2021 Commenti 2 10 January 2021, 10:55Spanjaardbase can not be more simple.... but it works really well 🙂 nice job 13 January 2021, 21:24Живко Джаков AutoreThe project includes many aircraft involved in hostilities in the Balkans in 1944. This is only the first. 21 January 2021, 06:27Project infoMesserschmitt Bf 109 Стрела Arrow Stoyan Stoyanov7 immagini1:72CompletatoMesserschmitt Bf 109 E-7 Vazdushni Voyski na negovo Velitchestvo (Royal Bulgarian Air Force 1941-1944)3/6 Iztrebitelen Orliak White 4 (Stoyan Iliyev Stoyanov)1942 World War 2 - KarlovoRLM71 RLM02 RLM65 RLM04 Tutti gli albumVisualizza tutti gli album »