Hobby Link International 2022 Armor GB Panzer II
January 10, 2022Got the tub, road & idler wheels done.2
January 11, 2022Getting the lower hull done while listening to some awesome tunes!!3
January 30, 2022Getting some work done on the upper hull while listening to one of my favorite artists!4
January 30, 2022Upper and lower hulls finally together. Front view.5
January 30, 2022Upper and lower hulls finally together. Rear view.6
May 11, 2022Left track on. Realizing now it would have been a tad bit easier to assemble the top/fwd track if I had done it prior to gluing the Upper Hull on!7
May 22, 2022It was a messy struggle. And my airbrush fought me every step of the way but I managed to get some primer on this tank!8
May 22, 2022Far from done but I'm seeing a light at the end of the tunnel.9
May 22, 2022Won't have to worry about a complicated camo pattern on this kit!10
May 23, 2022Got the rest of the parts primered. Tracks were primered in a different color is all.11
August 15, 2022Finally got some more paint on it!12
August 15, 2022Road wheels and a few other items.13
August 15, 2022The main hull, turret, commander's hatch, mantlet and fender ends.14
December 20, 2022Should have painted the tire rubber color before shooting the wheels! That's OK - not too worried about paint build up. Got the tracks done in Gunmetal. A few more odds and ends to paint and it will be a matter of assembly & weathering.15
January 18, 2023Taken this last weekend. Just mocked up for now but the majority of the bits are finally painted. Now for some glosscote & weathering.16
January 23, 2023Got some gloss cote over most of it so I can get the decals on and start the weathering. Not going to be too heavy on the dirt & rust, early in the French Campaign these tanks were relatively new.17
March 19, 2023Slowly getting there.18
June 4, 2023Getting some weathering.19
June 4, 2023Final stretch - still have to paint the figure.20
July 17, 2023Getting there...21
July 23, 2023Finishing up the tracks. For whatever reason, I had to add one link one each side to get them to fit. Pretty sure it was my fault!22
August 14, 2023Besides a couple of major mistakes on my part, it is coming out alright!23
August 14, 2023The back side, still have a few more pieces to add.
13 March 2025, 21:25 -
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Pretty much straight OOB.