South-African PV-1
22 18 March 2022, 17:17

a second Ventura? Looks great and with not often seen markings 👍
18 March 2022, 18:36

Thanx guys.
@thomas, yes. Another one indeed. I liked the previous build, so I did another. The aftermarkt decals are great!
18 March 2022, 19:01

got the Ventura also in my stash but I am still researching the correct colour used for the Project Baker Ventura.
18 March 2022, 19:21

You have set very nice weathering effects Eelco. I love your Ventura.
18 March 2022, 22:01

I was just saying on @Guy Rump's spitfire thread that you don't see many Venturas, and they you present these two fine examples. Great work. 👍
19 March 2022, 06:23