Ford Escort RS Cosworth - WRC
- Subject:
Ford Escort RS Cosworth 4X4
Rallye Monte Carlo
Mobil 1 6 (François Delecour/Daniel Grataloup)
Gennaio 1993 Rally Monte Carlo - Monaco- Scala:
- 1:24
- Stato:
- Completato
- Iniziato:
- January 4, 2021
- Completato:
- October 21, 2021
Building OOB with Shunko Replacement decals for 1993 Monte Carlo Rally (94 decals were unavailable)
Painted with Tamiya LP Paints, LP-2 for body and LP-9 clearcoat, and Tamiya Acrylics using Tamiya spray-work basic airbrush.
Used the original Tamiya blue decals which went on fine and used the Shunko decals for the "Sponsorship" is markings.
A couple of firsts on the model:
- Tamiya LP Paints
- Decaling prior to body and final detail
- LP-9 clear coat
Overall, very happy with outcome, window trim could be better - used masking tape and hand painting after decal and clear coat application, not that clean and a lot of tidying up. Clear coat could be thicker, as some decals were completed covered after alot of handling etc.
One of my all time favourite cars.