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Jim Lash (CombatCam)

F-4D Nellis AFB 474th TFS 1977-1979


31 22 April 2024, 03:00
Gary Victory
Really nice build and finish Jim. Top Job Sir.
 22 April 2024, 06:30
Jim Lash
Thank Gary, Not a great kit, another Lipstick on a pig build 🙂
 30 April 2024, 06:20
Arif Saeed
Nice work Jim 👏👏
 30 April 2024, 12:07
Geoff Murphy
Awesome job. Like the weathering
 30 April 2024, 13:49
Looks pretty good to me! 👍 I for whatever reason don't have any of these Hasegawa Phantoms in the stash. Do they have raised panel lines?
 30 April 2024, 14:09
Geoff Murphy
The early F-4J, F-4C/D and F-4B/N kits in 1/48 were raised panel lines. Later the F-4J was redone and had engraved panel lines. F-4E, F-4G, RF-4C, RF-4B and F-4J were engraved panel lines.
 30 April 2024, 20:18
Jim Lash
Thanks guys for the positive feed back. Really like working on these old kits, they are challenging but they are pushing my skill set forward. Happy Modeling.
 3 June 2024, 02:38

Project info

17 画像
1:48 F-4C/D Phantom II (Hasegawa 07006)


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