A-36 Apache
1 15 May 2017, 09:59

Basically a weekender, fuselage halves with interior in one afternoon session, the remainder in another afternoon, but can do both with judicious use of hair dryer (But don't overuse or it ends in tears, just found that out 🙁 ) Prime during the week and paint in a session, decal and your done. so fours sessions, call that a weekend. Not competition worthy but its certainly the good old days of modelling, when it was just for fun. Thanks however for your kind words, too mind and never sell your good self short. (you didn't look hard enough for the obvious faults. Character flaw there 🙂. Started on another to complete my Allison range, it not so easy, agggghhhh the hair dryer
5 June 2017, 11:15

I like it Scott! And as James said, there's no way I could've finished one that fast. Great job! 👍
5 June 2017, 12:01
Album info
First US version in my Allison powered Mustang series