April 20, 2020My first Toon Tank. A very enjoyable build.2
April 20, 2020Port side of the Toon Tank3
April 20, 2020Attempt at the transmission cover bolt housing to add a little detail. All kits, even simple ones require some extra time.4
April 20, 2020Used Squadron Grey putty to texture turret and hull.5
April 20, 2020Door handle made from wire.6
April 20, 2020A toon tank brings a lot of freedom to a build. Just add battle damage and have fun.7
April 20, 2020Caked on some LIquitex Blended Fibers and mig pigment to start the weathering process.8
April 20, 2020Covered the kit with Tamiya Grey primer which brought out some mistakes. Can you have mistakes on a toon tank??? Turret seam is present.9
April 20, 2020Have to work on battle damage method, great place to practice.10
April 20, 2020Used Tamiya XF-62 olive drab than XF-62 with Buff XF-57 to lighten it up a bit.11
April 20, 2020Kit decals were used. Would like to see aftermarket sets come out for these popular kits.12
April 20, 2020Pigments from various companies added plus weathering what every way I thought was right.13
April 20, 2020Would have liked to see a .50 cal on top of the Sherman, but Meng could not fit one into the box.14
April 20, 2020Built the toon at the same time that I was building the Tamiya M4A3 Sherman 105mm Howitzer. Nice way to complete two kits at the same time.15
April 20, 2020Some other future toon builds in the lineup.
7 March 2025, 03:18 -