Venezuelan AMX 13/75
March 21, 2021Most of the vehicle has been built up without bigger issues. Yet there still are some imperfections as one can expect from short-run kits.2
March 21, 2021The AMX 13 has a really distinct outscaling turret. While there is a canvas protection in the kit, I ledt that off to show the two turret halfes.3
March 21, 2021Most of the tools are nicely detailedand should look nice when painted apropriately.4
March 21, 2021There is some photoetch included in the kit which immensly helps to better replicate bush guards and grilles around the vehicle. Yet some modifications where necessary as there weren´t any grab handles included. I quickly added them with wire, as their postions are premarked on the surface5
March 30, 2021Base coat is done, I used four shades of amix from green and nato green from tamiya6
March 30, 2021Highlights were made from the basecoat and buff7
March 30, 20218
March 30, 20219
March 30, 2021I might use a green filter to further change the tone of the paintjob later on...10
March 30, 2021... on the other hand, it is good to leave small scale models a little lighter... got to think about it :/11
March 31, 2021Tracks were primed in gray and I brushed on a little colour-variation with acrylics. If any of that is noticeable remains to be seen.12
March 31, 2021I did some painting on the tools. The light gray spots on the metal parts will later give their surface a more "worn" look when combined with a wash13
March 31, 2021Next step will be adding the decals.14
April 6, 2021Made some progress with varnishing and some highlighting15
April 6, 2021A dark wash was also added after the decals were sealed. I weathered the lower hull with light dust and earth as I want the vehicle to not get even darker by adding dark brown mud in large amounts.16
April 6, 2021Suprisingly enough the tracks went on not too bad, altough they are not a 10/10... Treatment was the same that was applied to the lower hull and the wheels.17
April 7, 2021Did some chipping as the urge to do so overcame me ....18
April 7, 2021The (differently colored) jerrycan was also chipped19
April 7, 2021Next came a bunch of washes to simulate all kinds of dirt, grease, rust etc.20
April 7, 2021The spare track link on the front received a rather prominent treatment with light rust.21
April 7, 2021I found that a wash made for rainmarks also works really well for very faint dust and dirt stains on areas where the crew frequently walks over22
April 7, 2021Some very subtle oil spills were added around the turret ring. I could have gone more heavy there, as the base colour is rather dark here23
April 7, 2021Some more or less subtle polishing was among the last finishing touches24
April 7, 2021The finished result 🙂25
April 7, 202126
April 7, 202127
April 7, 202128
April 7, 202129
May 16, 202130
May 16, 2021
11 March 2025, 05:14 -
Album info
Takling ACE´s AMX 13/75 light tank kit. I´m going for the venezuelan option. There are some photos of the original on ACE models website: