Revell Humber mkII (Matchbox tool)
May 29, 2022The original box art, this was the first kit I've ever build2
May 29, 2022Revells rebox, the version I'll be building for the groupbuild.Should be fun doing it again3
July 10, 2022Not the multicolor of yesteryear, and england crossed out on the sprue4
July 10, 2022And were off. Some styrene was inserted to improve fit5
July 10, 20226
July 10, 2022Fit is quite good, even with a tooling this old. Loads of flash though, so this is showing its age7
July 15, 2022Axles added8
July 16, 2022Progress so far.9
July 16, 2022Figure primed in dark yellow10
July 16, 2022And look what I just found... The propeller of the torpedo that was missing from my seehund kit 🙂11
July 17, 2022Figure painted 🙂12
July 17, 202213
July 17, 2022Ready for Paint14
July 29, 2022Base coat hand painted in good old Humbrol, just like in the olden days15
July 29, 202216
July 31, 2022After a drybrush of sandgrau17
July 31, 202218
July 31, 2022Added 'glass' to the mirrors19
July 31, 2022The base in progress, all hand painted and dry brushed20
July 31, 202221
July 31, 2022Decals are on22
July 31, 202223
July 31, 2022Oil stains added to the water24
July 31, 2022Base is done, just needs to dry25
July 31, 202226
July 31, 2022Same goes for the Humber27
August 1, 2022I'm calling it done 🙂28
August 11, 202229
August 1, 202230
August 1, 202231
August 1, 202232
August 1, 202233
August 1, 202234
August 1, 202235
August 11, 202236
August 1, 2022
13 March 2025, 22:03 -
Project info
36 画像

Matchbox 50th anniversary group build
1. 4月 2022 まで 31. 12月 2023
1. 4月 2022 まで 31. 12月 2023