1:43 Alfa Romeo Giulietta SZ
Timeline for GP Studio (2) Alfa Romeo SZ Long Tail
Le Mans '62
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![Alfa Romeo Giuletta SZ Tubolare [290 EF 03] (Provence Moulage K339) Alfa Romeo Giuletta SZ Tubolare [290 EF 03] (Provence Moulage K339)](/companies/img/168-56259-28-p.jpg)
![Alfa Romeo Giulietta SZ [2945 QD 75] (Provence Moulage K394) Alfa Romeo Giulietta SZ [2945 QD 75] (Provence Moulage K394)](/companies/img/168-56259-28-p.jpg)

Kits are shown on the timeline when year and origin are filled in.
Kits are shown on the timeline when year and origin are filled in.