Convair XF-92
September 6, 20242
September 6, 2024Wing gaps by far the worst I have ever had to fill in a life time!3
September 6, 2024Yes, both sides needed plastic card scraps, milia putt, and Mr surfacer just to get them to look ok!4
September 6, 2024primed with Alclad black micro fill. Want to try a black based white paint job. Needed some micro fill because all of scratches from sanding down all of the raised details on both the top and bottom on the wings.5
September 6, 2024Alclad Aluminum, exhaust, and MRP-002 Insignia Red in the intake. Scribed panel lines on the wings and twin lines around the exhaust area.6
September 6, 2024MRP-083 FINE SURFACE PRIMER 'WHITE' and MRP-004 White over black base worked I though. But some repaired areas while using Ammo Blue glue are still showing(bottom spots only). I guess I should have reprimed 🙁7
September 6, 2024Testor's decals went down good. only had to use a little Tamiya mark softer on the stars and bars at the front8
September 6, 20249
September 6, 2024PSA Black based vs Gray Based with White don't match10
September 6, 2024Blue TAC canopy mask fail... Well I need to strip all the paint anyway. Then re-mask with tape black base then white11
September 6, 2024I still need to refit the canopy after I repaint it, then apply the last decal(anti glare). going scratch build and fit the intake splitter and the pitot tube. Maybe some weathering before the 21 sept SLC IMPS show.12
September 23, 202413
September 23, 202414
September 23, 2024Silly me, I sanded the intake smooth inside and out. Well this is the solution I can up with. I had added a black blanking plate inside the body about 15mm deep from the intake lip.15
September 23, 2024I cut it to short the first go around and had to add that small section of tube to the bottom base plate.16
September 23, 2024look's good to me with the master F-16XL pitot tube in dryfit.17
September 23, 2024Well still couldn't get the canopy paint to match he body 🙁 The master F-16XL pitot tube was a great fit for this kit.18
September 23, 2024Look's ok from this view. I wish the pitot tube was more centered. I think I over did it with the paint chips.19
September 23, 2024Off the SLC IPMS show! update this XF-92 was given to Shawn Earl at the show! I think I want to try to find another one. So I could take another shot at it...
27 February 2025, 11:56 -
Album info
Sept 2024 NUSM(Utah) Alex Earl Tribute build (son of Sergeant Major Shawn Earl). The final display will be at the SLC IPMS show 21 Sep 2024.