Revell P-61 Black Widow
September 11, 2017The plastic in this Revell kit is clearly of inferior quality to Tamiya, with several pieces already broken off and lying loose in the box and there is excess flashing on many parts.2
September 11, 2017Not a lot of detail here, and the raised parts are not very high making it difficult to paint tiny details. I'll have to go back and clean this paint job up some more.3
September 11, 2017I had to shave a lot of edges off these parts. I haven't given up hope though that this kit will still turn out well once finished.4
September 17, 2017The flight deck has a definite twist to it. Next time I plan on buying a Revell kit, somebody stop me.5
September 17, 2017It feels like every part that is brush-painted needs at least two coats. This plastic isn't very thirsty, and it doesn't adhere well.6
September 17, 2017I fought and repainted this instrument panel a couple of times before resigning myself to the slight level of detail I was able to enhance. The instruments just aren't raised very well.7
September 23, 2017Used flash this time to get a better picture than some of my recent have been. Not sure I like how dark they look, but they are definitely sharper.8
September 26, 2017I like the range of motion on this turret. And semi-gloss black looks even better in spray than it does brushed on.9
September 26, 2017Given that it's a Revell kit, the two halves went together better than expected. Still left some ugly seam lines to clean up though.10
September 27, 2017Tiny details and even tinier decals on the radar assembly that will just be covered up as soon as the nose goes on. <sigh>11
September 30, 2017Last time you're ever going to see this. Say good-bye.12
September 30, 2017And just like that, it's hidden from view. At least I will know it's there.13
September 30, 2017Wings were a bit finicky to put together at first, but I think that mounting the flaps up made for an easier assembly.14
September 30, 2017The wingspan on this beast is pretty significant. Despite its flaws, this kit is starting to grow on me.15
October 1, 2017Drop tanks are a little flimsy, but the decals are nice and sharp.16
October 1, 2017Should have taken a closer look at the drop tanks before cutting out the holes as indicated by the instructions. Holes are much too big. A little putty should fix that though.17
October 1, 2017I like how the instructions assume that I know all the parts of an airplane engine when they give painting directions. Found some reference images that made it easier, though the detail simply wasn't very sharp to start with.18
October 1, 2017The cowl doesn't sit very well. I'll have to make some adjustments to get it to sit properly.19
October 8, 2017The landing gear struts are light enough that this was the best way to let the cement dry so the tires wouldn't touch the supports. Still need to do a bit of sanding on those tires to fix a bad fit between halves.20
October 8, 2017These actually fit together fairly well compared with other parts of the kit. I'm not sure if I'm growing to like it.21
October 8, 2017Well, there are a fair number of gaps that may need some putty. I don't know if I care enough about it to fill them in. I know that's a bad attitude but the poor engineering is driving me nuts.22
October 8, 2017It looks good from this angle though. You can't really see the seams.23
October 15, 2017Getting close to the end, with the nose landing gear assembled. Actually happy at how the paint turned out on this section. But the joy would be short-lived.24
October 15, 2017The landing gear has been mounted, with the aid of poor instructions. I wouldn't realize it at the time, but it's actually mounted incorrectly here.25
October 15, 2017It was once I tried to mount the nose gear doors that I realized the gear was incorrect. Due to the poor fit of the fuselage, I had to pry the sides apart in order to fit this assembly recessed where it should be.26
October 15, 2017The poor instructions also left certain steps a little later than recommended - such as painting parts that are no longer easy to access. I also had to mount the cannon door closed because the drop tanks get in the way. And those seams... ugh!27
October 19, 2017I really gummed up the canopies with my masking and spraying. Tried to remove as best I could and did better by hand.28
October 19, 2017Getting the side glass to fit took a lot of finagling and shaving of edges. Doubt I'll build another Revell any time soon.29
October 22, 2017Now complete, it looks much better with the decals - especially if you don't see all those nasty seams on the underside.30
October 22, 2017That's one thing I will say for Revell is that their decals were nice to work with. They soften nicely under the Micro Sol as well.31
October 22, 2017Happily seeing this project in the rear view mirror. Now back to some quality Tamiya engineering for my next project.
15 March 2025, 00:14 -
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Scored this kit for $17, the first Revell I've done since I was a kid. We'll see how it compares with the Tamiya kits I've been building in my adult years.